The operative term in MelonHead's post is [i]interest[/i]. We(DLL and I specifically) were a part of at least one project that built itself in the middle of a community that was apathetic to the idea at best and hostile at worst. Why Free never out and deleted a section of his forum that regularly cursed his name is beyond me, but if I had to guess it's because it brought activity. But that's because there was [i]interest[/i] from people who were invested in the community and were willing to put the project first. That level of interest needs to come from the natives first. There have been a lot of ideas thrown around but there's very little will to go through with them. Of the actives Shin-Ra already runs its own community, Darth appears to be something of a leader among his people, Gunvinity has his own crew somewhere out there in the ether and so does Drifting Pollen. I'm not saying it's impossible for the lot of us to work together but we've all got something else going on and from what I can gather we're at least content with having the Arena be a distraction from our regularly scheduled activity. The interest needs to start and end with people who actually consider themselves native to the Guild, not just visitors. And right now there doesn't seem to be much of that.