[b]Charater:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3449857]Arth Bek[/url] [b]Location:[/b] Fort Buckmere [b]With:[/b] Nobody [hr] Vision slowly returned to Arth's eyes. Standing, he found himself in some form of wooded area, Arth would have gambled he was near the Conclave if it wasn't for just how dark everything seemed. Looking upwards towards the moon the Boros officer tried to spot some tower or other such thing, and upon finding none decided that he must have been atop a rather large spire. Returning his gaze downward Arth saw a large stone fortification in the distance, only about thirty feet away down the road he stood upon. Deciding that he would be able to see something from atop the battlements he started walking towards the structure. If he was atop a tower higher than any of the ones nearby then he couldn't be in Golgari lands Arth thought, and yet the forest seemed to chaotic to belong to the conclave. The soldier heard a wolf's howl, which only confused him further. While it may have been a wolf and it's rider Arth wasn't willing to find out, the fort was his best option. Coming up to the gate Arth saw that the iron portcullis was torn apart, the gates behind it in shambles and rotting. Stepping through the ruined entrance Arth saw no sign of battle, or anything for that matter, aside from a heavy layer of dust. He was in a courtyard, though it wasn't well kept. Even in the little light the moon provided Arth could see that the grass was dead, the stone path cracked. Rather than stepping into any of the buildings Arth made his way up a stone ramp onto the battlements. The walls were as empty and poorly kept as the courtyard. Half open crates with nothing in them, crumbling and useless crenelations, clearly the fort had been abandoned for some time, which troubled Arth. Few places stayed empty in Ravnica, if there was no sign of life then it could be some hidden fortress belonging to the Dimir, or perhaps it was the lair of some foul monster. No matter the case however Arth had to figure out where he was. Stepping into a square tower Arthur made his way up half rotted stairs to the top, where he stood overlooking the nearby lands. However the veil of darkness that lay over the land made it hard for the Boros to see any details, and it was with luck that in the middle of the tower was a large metal brazer, conveniently already stocked with wood and with tinder nearby. Not thinking of the risks Arth lit the brazier, which while giving him some light to see by also made the tower a beacon for the nearby areas.