As what was left of Fireteam Cerberus continued trudging through the woods, hoping to find any UNSC related forces along the way to group up with, it was an hour or two or so before they found any luck at all. Nadia-G389 moved forward as the wreckage of the downed frigate came into view. It was recognisably of UNSC design, and according to her guess must have been the [i]Burning Hope[/i]. Nadia then beckoned her only surviving team mate over. [color=orange]"Jackson, come over here. Look, this is the Burning Hope, is it not?"[/color] A couple of armoured steps later, Jackson was right up beside her as he replied after taking a glance at the crashed ship himself. [color=lightgreen]"It most probably is. That's a Paris-class, and I remember something about a distress call of sorts a while back."[/color] Although their helmets hid any sign of emotions, there was no doubt that the two Spartans were now excited, mostly positive about the potential people they could hope to find in the downed craft. There had to be still some survivors holed in there somewhere, for they had not seen a soul since they left their initial ambush site hours ago. With a wreckage as big as this, the Covenant had to know, what with their superior technology and all. [color=orange]"Weapons at the ready, there could be a possibility that we'll run into Covenant search parties once we enter the ship."[/color] As the Spartan pair entered the wreckage that was unsurprisingly intact, it was there that they met their first alien contact since the ambush site earlier. There were only a couple of Grunts and a two elites roaming around near the inner entrance of the downed frigate. This time was different, now, Fireteam Cerberus, or what remained of it was more than ready to exact their vengeance on the alien scum. [color=orange]"Get ready to fire on my mark. ....MARK!"[/color] The staccato sounds of gunfire echoed throughout the crafts as they opened fire, downing several grunts who were caught unawares. Wielding her dual submachineguns with lethal accuracy, Nadia-G389 doved into the fray, like she had done so many times, with Jackson-D486 providing back-up with his DMR assault rifle. The sounds of gunfire echoed throughout the walls of the ship, and if there were any survivors holed up within, they would no doubt hear the signs of a battle. [i]The time for stealth was over. Now they fight[/i].