Reuben nodded to Ahnciel, [color=ed1c24]"-Shortly, we will commence with maintenance then.-"[/color], however, one Rudolf Pendrick was then introduced. Reuben scanned and analyzed him and his... pet GG. Clearly, GG was a creation of the Baskerville's corporation, a sort of sector wide defense solutions company distributing huge, often quadrapedal, cyborg animals meant to protect anyone from a small family to military and political leaders. This particular Baskerville was truly massive, the size of a small land cehicle or speeder, Reuben registered it as a definite possible threat should complications arise. However, for now it was docile and clearly under the control of its owner, who Reben now addressed. [color=ed1c24]"-Rudolf Pendrick, I am Reuben Jerger, representative of the Society of Steel's Steel Rangers. I am here acting as a bodyguard and ally to Mr. Rapids. I hope that we, working together, may be better equipped to deal with any threats to Mr. Rapids safety.-"[/color], with that and an offered handshake, he returned his attention to Par, [color=ed1c24]"-As I would prefer the corrupted data be purged from my memory banks as soon as possible, I request a room in which I and Ahnciel may repair my cognitive systems. Is this request amiable Mr. Rapids. As soon as my maintenance is complete I wil return.-"[/color], he awaited his current charges response, hoping to have the oppourtunity to repair himself before Par had them leave the Station and travel further into Domination territory.