[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nMlpUT0.png[/img][/center] Mike glanced out the window of the train, wondering if it was nice weather, but he couldn't see the sky from where he sat. Well, this was England and it wasn't raining, so it was probably nice weather. His eyes landed on Oliver again, trying to decide if he even wanted to talk about the weather. Again, this was the UK, if there was one thing British people loved to talk about it was the weather. Mike didn't feel the same though, he'd much rather talk about something interesting. Like Magic, Oliver wasn't too shabby with transfiguration, maybe he had some insight Mike didn't? He didn't get to ask though, because someone else opened the door to the compartment. It was Melanie, a Slytherin he knew- and by her greeting, Oliver knew her too, or at least she knew Oliver. Mike had managed to snag her as a partner a few times in Potions, when Slytherin and Hufflepuff shared anyway, but no matter how closely he watched her work, he could never figure out what she did so well that he didn't. Her skill was just as nonsensical to him as the instructions themselves were. He shrugged his acceptance, completely unbothered to share the compartment with her- not that he would have room to contest it. Oliver had welcomed her and Mike hadn't even asked if he could be here. He decided to use the distraction to his advantage, not answering Oliver's question and instead putting the spotlight on Melanie. [color=#eeba30]"Nice summer?"[/color] He asked, pretending to have forgotten Oliver had asked him exactly the same just moments before and looking at Melanie so they knew who he was talking to. His home issues were no one's business, especially the parts that made him feel guilty or angry. His father yelling at his mother came to mind, his mother's tearful hugs and an unknown man's back sneaking out of the house were close behind. That didn't mean he wanted to be rude though, better to pretend he was distracted than to tell his friend to shove off.