[@MarsAdept] [color=00a651][h1]Andross[/h1][/color] His presence seemed to startle the woman at first, but she soon recovered, a similar smile to his own dancing across her face. And then she extended her right hand. Andross did as he had been taught, bowing low and deep, taking her hand ever so delicately in his own and brushing his lips against the back of her hand. [color=00a651]"Greetings, lady Rose. I am Andross Lylat."[/color] He moved away from her hand after introducing himself, straightening up. [color=00a651]"I am at your service, my lady. I would be more than happy to show you the way. So long as you do not mind i remain at the Shepards with you."[/color] he smiled, giving her a low bow. He moved delicately and gracefully down the street, light on his toes as he skirted around some children who scampered past him. He turned to glance back at Sophia, making sure she was following him. After watching her for a moment he gave a gentle and charismatic smile, continuing on down the street. [color=00a651]"If I may pry, my lady.. why has a young woman such as yourself decided to become a mage?"[/color] A bit of chatter would pass the time that it took to walk from the main square to get to where the Shepherds were located. It was about a fifteen minute walk, and talking a bit among themselves might pass the time pleasantly. Andross only hoped he had not brought up a sore subject for the woman, as he hated to offend people. _________ [h1][color=6ecff6]Mars[/color][/h1] [i]Mars dreamed of shadows assaulting her on all sides, faceless men clawing at her greedily with wyvern-slaying blades. She saw the face of her mother, using her body as a sheild as her back was riddled with arrows. Mars watched as the light died from her mothers eyes and the blue Dragonstone glinting in the light as it clattered into her hands. Her mother heaved her final breath, protecting Mars from harm. As the Dragonstone fell into her hands, Mars roared, her body doubling in size as a surge of Draconic Rage caused her to transform. White scales covered in gold filigree, feathered wings stretching to the skies. And then... nothing but pain as their anti Manakete weapons pierced her skin.[/i] Mars fell out of bed and to the floor with a thunk, scrambling to all fours as she half transformed, sprouting a tail and wings, her arms slowly growing scales. For a moment she was in a mode of panic, her heart beating a thousand miles an hour. And then she remembered where she was. Safe.. away from their eyes. She shifted slowly back to normal, standing to her full height and rubbing her eyes. The sleep she'd had.. was good.. though she could have done without the nightmares. She shook her head, wandering out of the bedroom and heading down the crumbling stairs with a light step. The fresh scent of human filled her nose and she stiffened, her Dragonstone glowing as she prepared to activate its power. The sound of voices echoed outside the door and she shifted, not wanting to risk being unprepared or getting attacked. She noted the state of the bottom floor, clear of dirt.. someone had been in here doing something. She didn't want to reveal her Manakete status just yet though.. because these men smelled different than the ones who had been chasing her. So she tucked her Dragonstone beneath her armor, poking her head out of the door to survey the group of humans who had gathered outside. Not a single one of them had anti-Manakete weapons. So she felt an instant surge of relief. She watched the group, hoping none of them would recognize or notice her as a Manakete. If so.. she could already feel the prickle of her Dragonstone's energy, and the scales slowly forming on her back. If they tried anything funny.. she would be on them faster than they could react. She'd taken this many humans before. More than one time.. and these humans had weapons designed to hurt her species. If she could handle them.. she could handle these humans. She'd have to handle them or else she'd end up dead, with her head mounted on someone's wall and her scales used as their armor. Just like her parents.