[center][h3]Exalt Saya[/h3][/center] Though she had wanted to, Saya wasn't able to head to the Shepherds headquarters right away. There were several things she had to handle first. They were only small things, but still ones that needed the attention of the Exalt. Matthew went ahead of her in order to get things started, see what needed to be done in order to get things ready for recruitment. She had really wanted to go with him, but unfortunately her other duties came first. For now. Things would be changing quickly, since she would be going off to war with him at some point. It was an exciting and scary prospect. One that she couldn't wait to get to. Finally she was able to get on her way. Her legs carried her quickly through the castle grounds, to the old abandon part that was now semi open for public use. It didn't take her long to get to the Shepherds old headquarters. She wasn't surprised to see Matthew here, but she was however surprised to see three other people there as well. Two male and one female. One male was swordsman, the other an axeman. The female was some sort of mage. Judging by Matthew's stance, something was going down. Saya quickened her pace and went to stand next to Matthew. She stood with her feet spread apart and her hands on her hips. "Excuse me, is there a problem here?" She said, eyes meeting with each of the three people. "You all better have a good explanation as to why you are here. Or you will all be arrested for trespassing on castle grounds." They weren't doing anything wrong by being here actually, her grandmother had opened up this part of the castle after becoming Exalt. Everybody should have gotten the chance to see the Shepherds headquarters. But Saya didn't like the number of people that were here. The word about the Shepherds reforming couldn't have gotten out this quickly. Something else must have been happening, and she needed to find out what that was. Though her hands were still on her hips, her right one that close enough to her sword that it wouldn't take too much time to draw it. [hr] [center][h3]Khan Elesia[/h3][/center] It was cold, as always, the wind only adding onto that. But, Elesia didn't mind. She had been born and raised here in Regna Ferox, the cold, wind, and snow, were her constant, and comfortable, companions. The wind caused her hair to blow in her face, and the long pieces of her dress to flap around her legs. But she hardly noticed either, her thoughts were far, far, away from here on the ramparts of Regna Ferox's capital. With the Church of Naga and their so called Crusade. She had nearly said something at the meeting, if not for a well timed hand from her West counterpart, Vraig. As much of a menace he could be on the battlefield, off the field he was a fatherly figure to everyone. Speak of the devil... A very familiar voice suddenly sounded right behind Elesia, causing her to jump. "You're thinking, that's not a good sign. I take it you're thinking about this Church of Naga business." Elesia sighed and nodded, turning to face Vraig. "I know my place is here, but I feel like I should be doing more. That dragon girl did appoint a champion of Naga after all. Shouldn't we be supplying soldiers to him or something?" Vraig pat her on the head, causing her to grimace. She hated it when he treated her like a kid. He was a fatherly figure, not an actual parent. "That boy doesn't need common soldiers, he needs warriors who's hearts are for the cause. Warriors like you." Elesia knew exactly what Vraig was talking about, even before he said it. "You should go as representative of Regna Ferox. It would be a good experience for you. And it isn't like I need you here, I'm in full power right now." Elesia smiled, he really was a good leader. "Maybe I will."