[@Mistress Dizzy]; this roleplay is based off of the "Percy Jackson" as well as off of the "Heroes of Olympus" novels by Rick Riordan- now I understand that he has indeed written more books which include other pantheons, however, this roleplay in particular follows the lives of both the Greek and the Roman pantheons. While yes, the two pantheons share similarities; it does not in any way limit what a player can do with their characters created- there are many Gods and Godesses, both minor and major that can be used by both; not to mention the fact that characters don't necessarily need to be demigods in the first place, my Co-GM and I more than willing to accept Cyclops', Satyrs, ect. I apologize if this roleplay is not for you; however, I have set rules and boundaries, as well as chosen to ask that roleplayers stick to those two pantheons for certain reasons.