[img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/shokugekinosoma/images/c/cc/Souma_Yukihira_Manga_HD.png/revision/latest?cb=20150527112717&path-prefix=es[/img] Name: Robert Smith Age: 16/Junior Gender: Male Race: Human Bio: Robert was born in to a upper class merchant family. Their trades have brought him all over the world. Places like China, Italy, Greece, the U.S., Spain and the sort are nothing special to him. In recent years, his family has been focusing on the Asian sector of their trade and have decided that Japan as a central hub. As he is supposed to be in high school, he matter-of-factly enrolled at Arctane. Now as a transfer, and seemingly about to remain in this place for the long haul, Robert is faced with the task of actually making real friends. There is also the added pressure of his elders asking him about his potential partner. Someone he will inherit the family business with, so to speak. To that subject, he has always turned a blind eye and brushed it off. However, it is becoming more and more evident that he is secretly searching for his soulmate as well... Personality: Robert is, in a nutshell, overly kind. He simply cannot turn someone down, unless the offer or proposition is obviously dangerous for him. On the outside, he may appear cold and distant. He constantly look like that because he loathes the fact that he is so well off. He just wants to be normal. Live a normal high school life, date people, go out and get drunk, and use silly tactics to ask a girl to prom, and the sort. However, so far, he has not been able to do that. Sexuality: Heterosexual