Okay, not the real title. But yes, this will have a mage, and angels, and demons. UGH, late on St Patty's day, but here's what alcohol did for me. Here's what happens. Religion and anything supernatural related has been outlawed. Banned. Prohibited. NOT ALLOWED. The bad news? They were real. But hey, at least no one gets offended. ;) Heaven's finest are not impressed and Hell's top generals are on the rise. Lucy (commonly known as Lucifer--what, you really thought the most beautiful angel was a guy?) inspires mankind's ingenuity to design a virus that helps demons to easily possess humans. It won't be long until the original Devil herself possesses an entire nation's military. The response from on high is...well there is none. God refuses to withdraw his gift of Free Will, and the mightiest of angels will do nothing without an order from the Creator. Deal with it. But even the most loyal and beautiful beings ever created have their imperfections! A group of younger angels, driven by their Father's undying love for humanity and anime, band together and take up the task of preventing Hell's total takeover. They must first find and join forces with the last surviving Mage, a gorgeous and talented college student who is near suicidal because of debt, despite her secret job as a cam girl. As a team they must defeat the Devil and her minions, help pay back student loans, and make the country great again! Character roles: Mage- Anti-slut-shaming college girl who does both work and school full time. Manages to get by with a secret job as a cam girl for extra cash. Brilliant and gorgeous, she is the last in a line of mages, destined to enlighten the world with supernatural wonders. Her powers awaken with the help of misfit angels. Angels- A group of Heaven's youngest, created specifically to monitor and learn the modern human. Because God gave them no restrictions on what to invest in, these angels have a penchant for anime and dank memes. Because of this, they each take the form of an anime trope, including but not limited to a Trap, a Highschool Athlete, a Loli, and more. They share God's unconditional love for humanity and adore the Mage. Demons- Hell's most vile and cruel, these agents and soldiers conspire to overthrow humanity by taking possession of humans. They all serve under tsundere leader Lucy, who was once God's greatest angel. I am too drunk.