[hr][hr][center][h3]A Forlorn Remedy[/h3][i]Viciousmarrow, lovely complex[/i] Bunny, Rini, Lethal Day 3, Noon[/center] [center]Interacting with: Levi [@Dead Cruiser] and Calder [@Tracyarmav][/center] [hr][hr] Bunny and Rini arrived to the courtyard quite late compared to the rest of the crowd, having spent most of the morning getting dressed and prepped. The verdant haired Paladin had poured [i]tons[/i] of money into their outfits, especially the [url=http://i.imgur.com/MM6D4f0.jpg]royal, doll-themed apparel[/url] that her Aspirant wore. However, her own [url=http://imgur.com/Uz7Xp4h]floral-inspired dress[/url] was far from cheap. Perhaps Bunny had gone a bit overboard, but she was having the time of her life displaying some of her feminine extravagance. It was also her first wedding! The whole event had her teeming with excitement, so she couldn’t help herself with splurging a bit. Even the gift she bought for Christian and Catherine, a fancy bottle of high end whiskey, had put her further in debt. At this point, she wasn’t even how much money she owed. This too was Reena’s first wedding, having seen a procession for a dead person and never a bride down an aisle. The cycle of life was a beautiful thing, wouldn’t you think? This Bunny lady was pretty nice in a older sister kind of way. There was a deep feeling in her gut that told her that her superior saw her more as a dress up doll than a woman though. Shrugging at the thought, Little Red could care less. It was nice to be lavished with gifts that would inevitably get ruined at some point. However, not having Chronos by her side felt like a piece of her was missing. For safety precautions, Rini strapped a dagger on her thigh under her soft fabric dress. In a way, she did look like one of those old vintage porcelain dolls her mother use to collect. Her size certainly didn’t help her situation. Would people find her creepy? Who knows! That wasn’t her problem, but this parasol was fun as hell to twirl around and her tiny bust looked good in this frilly costume. As they neared the courtyard, a bright smile grew upon the Paladin’s face, seeing the many people adorned with such regal clothing. All of this to see the Lord of Storms married off! A thrilled giggle escaped her lips as she was flooded with an encapsulating sense of unity and cheer. Her silvery eyes floated down to the tiny yet dazzling woman who pranced merrily beside her, and her free hand gestured at the crowd.. [color=yellowgreen]”Look at all the beautiful people! Oh, I’m so excited! Let’s go find Iz-”[/color] Suddenly, Bunny’s voice dropped off, her eyes widening in abject horror as she beamed back into the congregation. Her hawkish sight saw something she could not unsee: Izual was practically on one knee, kissing the hand of an Elven woman who had curves enough to slay a mighty Ogre Lord. Bunny had yet to discuss with the Hellspawn her feelings and their relationship, but in this single moment she knew exactly where she stood. She was nothing to him, just an object he could toss away into the wind. Her body quivered, rage and sorrow spiraling within herself, and her shaking hand dared to drop the expensive bottle of liquor she carried. With the sudden drop of Big Sister Bunny’s voice, Rini looked at the direction she was staring at. Big boobed, colorful lady, ‘horny’ male with black scleras, and a TROLL. How cool was that?! The troll was the coolest. As much as she wanted to geek out, the White Rose had to see what was wrong with her companion. “[color=tomato]Are you okay? Are you scared of Trolls? I think he looks kinda neat![/color]” the small woman happily chirped. Meanwhile, the strange mechanic was in her own private area (within the courtyard), away from the large crowd… or at least, she tried. There was too many damn people. She wore an [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/100/0/6382668/il_570xN.831994096_dpxw.jpg]olive green military style dress[/url] that started at her neck and ended by her ankles. Christian had left her a hologram expressing his wish for her to attend as a guest at his wedding, which was translated to: [i]There is no choice in the matter. Go socialize for once[/i]. The message also explained how this was a special occasion so her usual attire was not recommended, which truly meant: [i]Don’t embarrass me[/i]. The apathetic woman came to a compromise (with herself), she’d wear something that appeared to be nice enough for this lavish event, but in reality hid the clothes she felt most comfortable in. Her hair was straightened and down for once, which she hated, mind you. A little ticked that her cyborg companion confiscated her cigarettes until after the wedding, saying some shit like ‘You don’t want to stink up the place, plus they’re bad for your health anyways ’, the mechanic stood still like a foreboding phantom. Itching for her addiction, her glaring red eye observed her surroundings. ROB had stayed in her lab. Lethal didn’t think taking a little robot, who spewed random and sometimes offensive phrases, to a wedding was a smart idea. Concurrently, Bunny was panicking. Her heart had been crushed in an instant, and part of her wanted to get violent and wild. The other half of her pleaded her to stay calm, for Christian’s sake. The last thing anybody needed was a riot. Unfortunately, the two women couldn’t leave after they had just arrived. That was just in bad taste. For now, the Paladin just needed [i]something[/i] to get her through her emotions, something that would take her far away from here. Instantly, her eyes went to the bottle in her hand. Shard would understand, wouldn’t he? Daring to take that risk, she unscrewed the lid and began to guzzle down the delightfully smooth bourbon. Almost a quarter of the bottle was gone by the time she unlatched herself from it. The buzz came swiftly, hitting her like a brick. If there was one thing the green haired woman had no tolerance for, it was alcohol. Turning to her companion, she offered the drink to her, faking a smile. [color=yellowgreen]”I’m o-okay! Nothing’s wrong, I promise!”[/color] she tried saying confidently, but her words came out weak and forced. Her expression was beginning to break, her smile faltering and eyes begging to cry. Having never had a drink of alcohol before due to misunderstandings that she was 14 year old girl rather than her true age, whatever that was, Rini excitingly grabbed the bottle and chugged down a bit more than Bunny had. Seeing ‘drinking’ as a competition, rather than knowing the effects it could do to you. The taste was odd and bitter, but she could handle it. Or so she thought. A small body plus never having this kind of substance before was all around bad news. The White Rose’s cheeks flushed and the world become tipsy turn-y. If people thought Rini had little to no filter sober, imagine her under the influence. “[color=tomato]IF YOU’RE TRULY...truly? YES TRULY OKAY. Let’s go talk to them!! Nyah![/color]” As she cheered her friend on, Rini pointed her parasol in the direction of the people that made her upset, “[color=tomato]We go![/color]” She forcibly demanded. Bunny watched as her Aspirant gulped down more than she had, raising an eyebrow in amazement. For such a small woman, she could really pack down the booze. [color=yellowgreen]”That’sh really not a good…”[/color] The albino was already sprinting into the crowd, headed towards the tall Troll that stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of the courtyard. Taking another swig of the liquor, the Paladin stumbled after her trainee. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it too far before she collided with a familiar frightening figure. As if being surrounded by people wasn’t already a pain in her ass, some dimwit bumped into the Mechanic pushing her into… the chest of a built man, extremely adorned, who stood next to a disgustingly cute “teenage” AI. Gaining her stability back, Lethal fixed her posture and looked up at the tall man. Her expression never failed to be unchanging, revealing no apologetic feelings at all ‘a resting bitch face’. His red eyes met with her stare (keep in mind she only has one useable, red eye). Her bangs covered up the other half of her face, hiding most of her lifetime scar. There was a moment of silence as she contemplated who he was. She didn’t really care to know who worked at the Tower but his attire did scream artificer. The mechanic begrudgingly muttered, “[color=firebrick]You must be Leviathan Nero.[/color]” For a second, the woman looked back to see who was the cause of this atrocious disaster… ah. The incompetent Paladin. [color=yellowgreen]”Oopsh! I am sho shorry…”[/color] Bunny slurred out her sad apology, holding her liquor close to her chest. Normally, this is when she would have backed off and left Lethal alone, but her emotions were getting the best of her. Like a sudden rain storm in the middle of Summer, tears started leaking from the Paladin’s eyes. [color=yellowgreen]”How could he do that to me…”[/color] she moped, trudging forward and embracing the Mechanic in front of her. Her head against Lethal’s chest, Bunny began recanting apologies over and over again, her voice muffled by the Cambion’s thick clothing. Her hands were still latched to the glass container, the tip of the bottle prodding against Lethal’s stomach. Discomfort. That is all Abiteth felt. Not so much because of the stabbing bottle in her gut, but the crying woman that reeked of alcohol. Her eye twitched at this affection. Taking a deep breath in, to make sure her anger levels didn’t rise, the mechanic thought about how the Master of Stars would want her to react. Today was [i]his[/i] and [i]his bride’s[/i] day, after all. The least she could do was be… nice. Her body cringed at the thought. “[color=firebrick]Don’t let a hindrance ruin today. We are here to… celebrate.[/color]” she hissed. If this Paladin didn’t get off of her in the next minute, the demon-blooded woman would give into temptation and rip the teary Paladin's eyes out of their sockets. Bunny sighed at Lethal’s words, knowing she was right. Retracting herself from the woman, the Paladin wiped the remaining tears away from her eyes and nodded to her cohort. She noticed the Artificer standing near the white haired mechanic and gave him a small wave while taking another drink of whiskey. How plastered Bunny intended to get was anybody’s guess. Simultaneously, Little Red had scampered to the person she found the most intriguing in this congested place. Looking up at the shimmering green stranger, who wore a charming midnight blue suit, the small woman eagerly waved at him, “[color=tomato]Helloooooooooooooo, Mr. Troll! I’m Reena, or Rini, whichever you prefer~ I’m a new recruit! I showed Mr. Shard some awesome blood magic and he was like WOAHHHH. What’s your name?[/color]” Surprisingly for a drunk girl, she spoke quite coherently, just a bit… loud. Her candy apple eyes blinked innocently as she waited for him to respond. While the White Rose waited, she used her parasol to keep her stable. Through the corner of her eyes, she saw the sexy lady and desperate horned man. But they were BORING.