Done [hider][center][b]:.Born As.:[/b] Ramera Whiting [b]:.What You See.:[/b] [img][/img] ((Ignore the purple eye and elbow horn)) "At times I think of myself as a messiah, and at times I think of myself as a murderer, when in reality all I am is trapped in my past" [b]:.What You See.:[/b] Ramera stands at 5'6 and weighs in at 280 pounds despite her shorter than average, yet slim build. Her weight is mostly attributed to her metallic deformity that completely engulfed her right arm, as well as blankets most of her torso. Her skin has lost much of its former glow, trading its vibrancy for a pale tone that almost appears to lack life. Her eyes however, have acquired quite the opposite, appearing ethereal with a golden, otherworldly glow that matches the shine of her hair. She typically dresses herself in a white, blue, or black dress that only drops as low as her knees. Their designs all mirror one another, lacking a right sleeve, but a low hanging right hand sleeve draped with white cloth that is held in place by a golden pendant. [b]:.Also Known As.:[/b] "The Raven" "Ram" "The Divided One" "Eldest Harpy" [b]:.Appear To Be.:[/b] 30 [b]:.The Doctor Said.:[/b] "SHE is a failure" [b]:.I Swing Towards.:[/b] Men [b]:.People Say.:[/b] [i]"Ramera, stalwart, proud, and refined, she seems to carry this air around her that commands respect. But, it's weird really, but she seems to defy this air that surrounds her from time to time, letting slip a caring side that she'd once reserved purely for her sisters. If anything, I'd say that she feels more distant from before those days"[/i] [i]"I'd-a swear she were a half-dead if I didn't know 'er fer as long as I do, she's always been a silent one that lass, and her skin at times makes me think o' the dead. When she were young she were always a cold bitch, but that made 'er feel like more o' a person, y'know? Now, I really dunno 'bout 'er"[/i] [b]:.What I Like To Do.:[/b] Ramera can be found flying high, watching over Paradise even in most of her spare time. Occasionally she'll remain grounded long enough to train with the warriors or converse with townsfolk, now contrasting that of her former, moderately introverted self. [b]:.Profession.:[/b] Occasionally she'll sell metal accessories such as knives or pendants, but treats it as more of a hobby that acts entirely secondary to her duties as a harpy. [b]:.The Past Was.:[/b] They say that our mentality affects our biological processes because personality itself is a biological process. Well, in Ramera's case her biological processing had gotten out of hand all too fast. One sister leaving her alongside Paradise all because of her being stripped of one of her wings, and seemingly her pride. However, after those dark days, seemingly all of Paradise's warriors had had a blow dealt to them by the iron fist of reality. Having lived through those days, pride was surely not the most valuable thing that anyone had lost. Despite all the bloodshed back in those horrid days, she'd still managed to come out of the war completely unscathed which would have been great had it not consumed her with guilt, guilt that developed from never being able to have saved just one more person, a guilt that burned like the flames of life that she'd let extinguish. An old flame burned bright once more, and seemingly without anyone noticing her mind collapsed, resulting in her entire appearance up to her wings themselves to change drastically. One of her wings gained the beauty of her sister's while the other elongated, growing not just in length and height, but also burying itself further within her body. It only took one year after her sister left for her to calm down, and as she did, the changes slowed. Her mind recovered, but her body hadn't. She continued to serve Ravenia in Paradise throughout the years, ever filling the role of the watchdog. [b]:.The Proud.:[/b] Harpy [b]:.A Glorious Gift.:[/b] Ramera has the ability to cast a ball of brilliant, white light from her left palm. It's only real use is as a beacon, and upon coming into contact with anything non-gaseous causes it to shatter. It's range is as long as her throwing arm, and the creation of the orb takes a matter of seconds. The sphere lacks a measurable weight, but is unaffected by wind resistance. Ramera's right arm, and to a lesser extent, her chest are coated and imbued with metal, both slowing her movements, changing her sense of balance, and making her skin more durable. With her left side becoming particularly vulnerable she has trained heavily over the past four years in utilizing the right side of her body in both hand-to-hand combat, and in the use of her metallic wing. When it comes to flight she excels at rapid descent, in part due to the weight of her metallic skin and wing. However, she cannot climb in altitude or glide as well as she once could due to her lack of symmetry in more than one aspect. [b]:.What I Have On Me.:[/b] -6 small, 3-inch blades resting in her hairpiece. -Occasionally the knives in her right-most wing molt, and as such she can, at times, possess numerous knives. [b]:.Who I Know.:[/b] [url=]Claritie Vale[/url], or as Ramera knows her, Claudette Whiting, one of her dear sisters whom she has not seen for many years. However, she would not force her back if she had the option for she knows all too well the inner strife which Clo has set out to mend. [b]:.Blood.:[/b] [url=]Anora Whiting[/url], her second sister of the two she had. Shinda Whiting Marcus Whiting, her father, and the cause of much of her inner turmoil. He is now deceased. Eleanor Whiting, her mother, a woman with a mind that paralleled that of her father's, who's fate was equally parallel. [b]:.Behind The Scenes.:[/b] [url=]Theme[/url] [/center][/hider]