[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qqx82XG.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jEoG9MS.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Camelot[/h1][/center] Returning to his seat, Casper placed his hands on the table with his eyes making their way to the ledger before him. Sitting besides Morgana and Gwen at the tournament sounded like a wonderful plan, although an issue remained. Casper would need to deal with everyone's weapons. He was unsure if he'd be able to attend, something leaning further to the realm of a negative outcome. If Casper left the armory, locked the door and attended the tournament, he'd leave everything highly unprotected and if a single weapon was stolen, it would be on his head. Indeed, the armory was never at risk like it was today with so many visitors in Camelot. [color=ed1c24]"I'll try to be there, but can't make no promises..."[/color] [color=fff200]"Aw, how come, Cassy?"[/color] Finishing his meal, Aiden returned the plate to the table with the boy's bright blue eyes falling on the vampire. [color=ed1c24]"Gotta' take care of the weapons..."[/color] Not only would Casper like to watch the tournament but he would even enjoy [i]attending[/i], but a moment's pleasure was not going to live up to the endless string of complications arising from the act. Not only would he blow his cover, effectively ending the sanctuary Casper had found within Camelot's embrace, but he would also reveal the vampire's true nature in one way or the other, drawing himself public enemy number one. Uther wasn't exactly known for his kindness and broad sense of acceptance. [color=ed1c24]"But you guys should enjoy it..."[/color] [color=fff200]"I was uhm..."[/color] Aiden began, lowering his gaze further as it met the floor. [color=fff200]"Kind of hoping to watch it with you."[/color] Tilting his head in slight confusion, the vampiric boy raised an eyebrow at his friend and managed a soft smile, though attempted to hide it from the others. [color=ed1c24][i]"Heh...the hell does he mean by that...? Is Aiden tryin' somethin'...?[/i][/color] Scratching the back of his head, Casper gently clicked his fingertips against the wooden table and rested his chin against an opened palm. [color=ed1c24]"Were ya' now..."[/color] [color=fff200]"H-hey...! I didn't mean anything by it! I just wanted to watch the games with a friend!"[/color] Trying desperately to hide the heavy blushing now quite apparent on Aiden's fair cheeks, he quickly looked away with the boy's arms crossed. Casper on the other hand managed a grin, though didn't look straight at Aiden in fear of falling into the same seat. [color=ed1c24]"'Cause...if ya' were askin' me out, maybe I'd be a bit more inclined to come, ya' know?"[/color] Holding onto the plushy Gwen had made for him, the boy appeared more playful if not more comfortable with her by his side. It was safe to assume that the words leaving Casper's lips would be far from present was Gwen absent. [color=fff200]"C-Casper!"[/color] Aiden continued, now staring directly at the dark featured vampire with cheeks red like fresh tomatoes. [color=fff200]"D-Don't talk like that! If anyone hears you..."[/color] Turning his eyes to Gwen, the boy looked between Casper and his sisterly figure. [color=fff200]"Casper's just joking, I'm sure...heh..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"God, relax..."[/color] Finally placing his hand on Aiden's forearm, the vampire caught his attention once more and met the healer's blue eyes with his own red rubies. [color=ed1c24]"I'll lock the place up after everyone's done n' I'll join ya'. Shit, don't have a heart attack..."[/color] Casper had to admit, however, it was quite fun to toy with Aiden like this. There was undoubtedly some attraction beneath the surface and Casper knew that he felt [i]something[/i] towards the other boy. The vampire had lived a long life and he knew what it felt like to be romantically attracted to another individual. He'd be lying to himself if he completely denied the strings which drew him closer to the mage. [color=fff200]"You really need to learn not to speak so blatantly, Cas..."[/color] Aiden managed a heavy breath. [color=fff200]"So, you'll come...?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Yes, Aiden. I'll come. Swear it on my honor as a servant or whatever..."[/color] Seeing how more people started to pour into the armory, Casper's job would truly begin. After all the combatants registered themselves in the ledger, Casper would be able to slink away and join Gwen and Aiden. God knew the boys' 'friendly companionship' was a scene both of them were eager to write out.