[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nMlpUT0.png[/img][/center] Mike grimaced, the effort he put into his homework was negligible, and he had spent as little time as possible on it. That said, he only had a chance to work on it when he had meals with his family, spending the rest of the summer among muggles, and his mother knew a bit about potions. She was subscribed to every wizarding magazine she could get her hands on; including [i]The Practical Potioneer[/i]. It was kind of funny actually, a muggle was better at a wizarding class than he was. He wasn't complaining though, this way he was sure to get a better grade than if he'd scribbled the gibberish he'd planned on saying. [color=#eeba30]"S'pose it's alright."[/color] He admitted, looking away. [color=#eeba30]"My mum bought some books for me, so I'll improve."[/color] That was an understatement, she was determined that they would bond over potions work now, so she'd went on a bit of a crusade and bought all kinds of guides and manuals for the subject. With any luck they would help, but he wasn't as keen on the bonding part as she was. Maybe that was to be expected though, she was a mum after all. [color=#eeba30]"What about you, Ollie?"[/color] he asked, deflecting the attention once again. Nicknames made life much easier, no matter how annoying they were to some he was unlikely to remember their names at all unless he gave them a nickname. [color=#eeba30]"Trouble with your assignments?"[/color] He was pretty sure Oliver wasn't having any trouble, he was fairly talented as far as Mike knew. [@Classpet][@The Elvenqueen]