[h2][color=7bcdc8][center]Oliver Rivers[/center][/color][/h2] [@Ceta de Cloyes][@The Elvenqueen] To be perfectly honest Oliver had attempted to do all of his summer homework, except for transfiguration, on the last day of summer break. He'd done pretty well on most of it. Potions was a little rushed, and probably filled with dumb mistakes. Astronomy and history were probably going to get low marks as well. But he'd had fun over the summer so that was the important thing. [color=7bcdc8]"Well,"[/color] he started [color=7bcdc8]"I did fine on the transfiguration homework."[/color] He shrugged, the rest of the assignments couldn't be that important any way. [color=7bcdc8]"I think I'm ganna' pass the animagus test over Christmas break."[/color] He remembered fondly all the time he spent over the summer turning between a giant bird and his human form. He'd nearly perfected everything about it, only paperwork and the test was left before he was officially recognized as an animagus.