[hider= Hirose, Reimi] Name: Hirose, Reimi [ 広瀬 鈴美 ] Age: 16 [hider=Normal Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7kolyqA.png [/img][/hider] Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?: No [hider=Avatar Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/C3EWsCQ.jpg[/img] [/hider] Dueling Avatar Name: Viridian Divider [hider=Dueling Avatar Appearance:] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VOFX3a4.png[/img] [/hider] Rank: 1 Legion?: No (Not yet anyway) [hider=Other] [hider=Personality] Often humble and soft-spoken, Reimi, though a relatively shy person, doesn’t tend to come off as wary against those she had just met. Rather, her skills in social situations are rather stunted, at times making a fool of herself, either through the means of the individual she is in contact with or to her own demise. At the same time, Reimi seems to also fear getting close to any particular people, likely stemming from a fear of abandonment. Despite this, Reimi would never abandon an ally. Almost to a fault, she would refuse to simply let a friend in trouble stay a moment later in peril, often going to great lengths to try and better their situation through any means necessary. She will often stubbornly defend her own viewpoints, no matter how wrong they may seem to others, even to the point of causing them great mental anguish. She has a distorted sense of values where he only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act “helping people” is its own reward. In addition to this, Reimi reflects heavily on herself during her failures, not placing great self-worth upon herself. Reimi also seems to have an irrational fear of ghosts, disliking the idea that a spirit can linger on in the world, but often rationalizes it as unfounded superstition, or at least hopes this is the case. In addition to this, she seems to consume sweets equal to her body mass on a daily basis. [/hider] [hider=Biography] Hirose Reimi remembers a much simpler time. A time of youthful ignorance that one may never return to. Though eventually one is able to gradually learn the mechanisms of the world, Reimi was forced out of these idealisms early on. Reimi had once a friend known to her as "Haruno". Haruno and Reimi's parents were both friends during their childhood and almost forced this friendship upon one another. However, it was not as if the two children were against this action. Haruno, male, and Reimi became very close friends during their childhood. But this simple life would come to a quick close. Both Reimi and Haruno had been playing together in the park, however, Reimi had lost her favorite ribbon, and evening, while their parents had told the pair to return home by, was quickly encroaching. Haruno, wanting not to disobey their parents, had told Reimi the pair should return home quickly, however, Reimi informed the other that they would not return home until she had found the ribbon, yelling at the other for not caring for her possession. Though eventually finding the ribbon, Reimi returned home only to find out that while alone, her brother had been struck by a vehicle and killed. Reimi never stopped blaming herself for her childhood friend's death, feeling it was a failure of her responsibility as their friend to protect them, despite the overall events not entirely blamable on herself. [/hider] [hider=Enhanced Armament] Echoes::An ability that allows Viridian Divider to produce barriers between themselves and an opponent. The barriers are similar to “colored glass” in terms of appearance, and texture, but are not as easily shatterable, able to deflect simple attacks with ease. However, each pane can only soak a finite amount of damage before shattering in a similar effect to glass, but multiple panes can be used to deflect stronger attacks. Like glass, the shape and curvature of the panes can be edited upon spawning, but once created cannot be changed. The user is able to create these barriers within a short radius of themselves, extending to a bit more than double their arm’s span in every direction. Barriers, however, cannot be produced in places which already have something occupying them, but once created they can be moved as the user desires, even past the original “spawn radius” to a degree. In addition to this, the user may also choose to give the barriers the ability to attract and repel between objects on either side of the pane. As the user’s strength increases, as does their prowess with the ability, as one would expect. In addition to Echoes, unlike most other green avatars that lumber to attack, Viridian Divider uses both speed and strength to pressure foes outside of Echoes. However, they can easily be matched and bested by more combative-suited avatars in simple fistacuffs. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]