Another character :) [center] [hider=Caden Ross] [center] [h1]:.Born As.:[/h1] Caden Ross [h3]:.What You See.:[/h3] [img][/img] [i]"Questioning our decisions leads us to more certain answers."[/i] [sub] Caden is fairly average-looking. He has a small build, which makes him seem short even though he stands at an average height of 5’11”. He tends to wear a suit for his work, but it doesn’t do much for his professional look as he usually ends up a tad disheveled. He likes to wear his over-sized, tan trenchcoat just about everywhere as it belonged to his father before he died. He has no notable scars or birthmarks, though he does have a rather discreet tattoo of a shark on his left shoulder blade. Caden also usually has several ink spots and gray smudges on his left hand from writing his patient profiles since he is left-handed. [/sub] [img][/img] [h3]:.Also Known As.:[/h3] Cade Dr. Ross [h3]:.Appear To Be.:[/h3] 32 [h3]:.The Doctor Said.:[/h3] Male [h3]:.I Swing Towards.:[/h3] Females, smart ones. Little experience in the dating world as of yet. [img][/img] [h3]:.People Say.:[/h3] Caden has an innate tendency towards introversion, yet he has overcome this with his patients, however it still hinders him in his social life. He doesn’t make friends easily, but this is mainly because he is generally content to be alone, though he does enjoy the company of others in small groups. He is very friendly, and even the way he looks lends to his approachable, non-threatening atmosphere that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. He is not prone to violence, though he will stand up for others in a forceful manner if needed, despite his inexperience with any type of combat. However, in most cases, Caden will resort to words as a means of defense. He is a little bit OCD about some things, though he is working through it, he tends to be a little over the top when it comes to brushing his teeth and he absolutely cannot share any kind of food or drink with anybody as his OCD is orally centered [h3]:.What I Like To Do.:[/h3] [list] [*] Sketch [*] Brush teeth [*] Take walks around the Paradise Lands [/list] [h3]:.Profession.:[/h3] Psychologist [h3]:.The Past Was.:[/h3] Caden has lived in the Paradise Lands for as long as he can remember. He lived with his parents until he was 13, when both were murdered. The culprit got away without anyone discovering their identity. From then on, Caden lived with his aunt as he began being trained by a psychologist who had treated his mother when she was going through postpartum depression. His aunt was eccentric and did not bother him much, and this is when his love for sketching and taking long walks around the Paradise Lands began. There were many days when he had finished his training and would walk around with his paper and pencils, looking for something to draw. He would look until he found something that seemed to pull him into its story, then he would sit down right where he was and sketch it the way he saw it. After a few years, Caden moved into his own place and began to join the older psychologist in his sessions, many of which contained fairly well-adjusted individuals dealing with depression. However, there were a few stranger cases, including extreme OCD, and necessary house visits for a couple people with agoraphobia. When he was about 23 years old, the hardest period of his life began. The older psychologist died, leaving Caden to take his place. After taking a few weeks off to grieve, he returned to his mentor’s patients. It was difficult for him to have to take on such a great responsibility so soon after such a devastating event, and his young age at the time wasn’t much of a help. Many of his older patients challenged him on whether he could sufficiently fulfill the duties with which he was presented, something which he questioned himself. But their challenges made him even more determined to fill his mentor’s shoes appropriately, and he managed to take care of his patients adequately. He remains dedicated to his practice to this day and is somewhat of a workaholic, rarely taking breaks for anything. [img][/img] [h3]:.The Proud.:[/h3] Civilian [h3]:.A Glorious Gift.:[/h3] Caden is quite skilled in recognizing and diagnosing disorders of the psyche and has dedicated his life to treating these disorders. He is somewhat skilled in sketching, though he has had no training and mostly does it for fun. Other than that, there’s not really anything remarkable about him, he’s just an average guy trying to survive and help others. [h3]:.What I Have On Me.:[/h3] [list] [*] A small dagger (for self-defence) [*] Sketchpad [*] Pencils [/list] [img][/img] [h3]:.Who I Know.:[/h3] [list] [*] Unknown [*] Unknown [*] Unknown [/list] [h3]:.Blood.:[/h3] [list] [*] Thomas Ross, Father (deceased) [*] Catherine Ross, Mother (deceased) [*] Andrea Stenderman, Aunt [/list] [img][/img] [h3]:.Behind The Scenes.:[/h3] [url][/url] [/center] [/hider] [/center]