[Center] [h2] [color=pink] Alyssa Samara Chase [/color] [/h2] [Color=green] 'Ring, ring.' [/color] The sound of her alarm clock blared through her ear. She rolled her head over slightly as she looked at the time it read. All she saw were blurs at first, her sleepy eyes still not adjusted to anything. She blinked a few more times before she actually got to read what it said. '5:15'. [Color=pink] "Uhg!" [/color] She moaned as she rolled over to the other side of the bed, using a pillow to block her ears. 'Just five more minutes!' She thought to herself. She absolutely hated mornings, especially getting up extra early. [Color=green] 'Ring, ring, ring' [/color] The alarm rang again. It took her all the way to the last ring to realise why she had to be up. She through the pillow to the side and sat up. Today was the day, it was finally here. Summer seamed to fly by for her. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She wasn't very found of school, but at the same time she loved the magic and she found quidditch very interesting, at the same time she was sad. Part of her wanted to just stay with her family all summer. The girl wiped her eyes with her hands as she yawned. She stood up and quickly changed putting on a plain pink tanktop and threw over a checkered half-sweater, that tied up in the middle. She slid on a pair of light blue jeans that had a one whole where her knee was, but other than that they were perfect. Quickly she grabbed the brush off of her beruea and brushed it through her hair a few times before we placed it back onto the dresser. She left her hair down like she usually did. It was to time consuming to actually bother to do something with it. She turned around to her disasterous room and sighed slightly. She had to clean this up before she left, according to her dad. She eyed the time that now said '5:26'. She began to quickly shove everything in the draws and under her bed and in the closet. She was not the even close the most organised person in the world. She constantly lost things. She finished up and made her bed, making it look semi-nice. She took a step back and looked at it. 'Looked fine to her' She thought to herself. She swiped her hands off at the sucky job she did, it looked decent,and better than it usually did, plus she didn't have that much time to do it. She then quickly ran to her bag and placed a couple of her wizarding books inside. She ended up packing most of her stuff the night before for once. She still procrastinated her homework and stayed up to eleven pm on it. She would of much rather of gone to sleep way earlier than that. She placed the books into her suitcase. She zipped it up and eyed the time one more time. '5:49'. She was on time so far to get on the train just in time. She pulled her suitcase out of her room, closed the door behind her. She pulled it to the downstairs, where her dad already was in the kitchen, eating a bowl of what of Lucky Charms. Alyssa looked at the bowl and at the box that read Lucky Charms. [Color=pink] "Hey! You better of left me some of the marshmallows!" [/color] She joked as she ran over. Her dad smirked as he took the box and held it above her head, [color=yellow] "None for you!" [/color] [Color=pink] "What? Not fair!" [/color] She complained as she attempted to jump for the box but it was way above her head. [Color=pink] "Fine then" [/color]Instead of trying to jump again, she took his bowl he had made already. [Color=pink] "thank you."[/color] She stated as she chuckled a bit and walked around the counter, sat down on he vacant stool on the other side. [Color=yellow] "hey!"[/color] He exclaimed as he grabbed another bowl and poored another bowl of cereal. He sighed as he poor milk in it and placed a spoon in it, or was about to when it was tooken by Alyssa's older brother as he walked through the kitchen. He sat besides Aly as he said. [color=orange] "Thanks dad!" [/color] And then took a bite of the cereal. The dad threw her hands up in the air as he shook his head. [Color=yellow] "Do I ever get a brake?" [/color] He announced as he sighed. He sighed as he grabbed yet another bowl and poored another bowl of cerial. He finally began eating it. [Color=orange] "So the train leaves at six thirty?"[/color] Her brother asked. Alyssa nodded. [Color=pink] "Yea." [/color] She said. The three of them finished up their cerial quickly and placed the bowls into the sink and went to the train station and arrived at six twenty. When they got there they got out of the car and went inside. Platform nine and three quarters. They made it to platform nine and stopped in front of it. Alyssa turned to her dad and gave him a hug. [Color=pink]" Bye"[/color] She said. She then went to her brother and hugged him also. While her dad began his rambles as he did every year. [Color=yellow] "Don't get in trouble, and be safe. Don't do stupid stuff, and comeback for the holidays and right to us a lot! I'll miss you!"[/color] He called out. Alyssa was already running towards the wall. [Color=pink] " Yea, yea! I'll miss you two!" [/color] She said before she went through the wall. She ended up on the other side and ran over to the train. She stepped onto it, dragging her bag behind her. She walked down the isle as she looked for an open seat. [/center]