[hr][hr][center][h3]A Forlorn Remedy[/h3][i]lovely complex[/i] Rini, Calder Dylan [@Tracyarmav] Day 3, Noon[/center] [hr][hr] There was a long moment where the two just stared at each other. The girl had not budged or changed in facial expression, she patiently waited for the man to respond to her, with her lips curved slightly upward. Silence never did bother her and she didn't know when it was socially acceptable to do anything, so her being perturbed by a long pause was highly unlikely. Was it rude she wanted to touch his face? The emotion in her stare was admiration, even with not knowing much about the man. Rini contemplated climbing him to feel his face but decided against it. The first time she tried to mount Chronos was a... difficult time. Calder was pretty tall, especially when standing next to her. Here she was at 4'6" staring at this massive Troll. Her eyes trailed down his hard muscle and scaled hide. Not one to jump to conclusions with anyone, Rini listened to his pleasant voice that reminded her of her seaport home, before the mob and the fire. Her frilled black dress with red bows only emphasized her deathly pale complexion, while the long pig-tails that almost touched the floor highlighted the age of the body she lived in [i]for centuries[/i]. Her figure had a soft glow to it due to her body reflecting the light that came down on them. Based on her physical attributes, she was far more blaring in light than her older sister, whose hair was gray and whose skin had more color to it. Though, Rini knew none of this, she didn't even know if her sister would attend the wedding! After he finished, she responded with a little sway in her still stance, "[color=tomato]Nice to meet you Mr. Calder Dylan![/color]" Her smile widened as she let out an adorable giggle, "[color=tomato]I am! It's sad I didn't come sooner, since I know no one besides Bunny, who seemed upset when she looked over here. She then began chugging her wedding gift for Mr. Shard! I drank some too, it makes my head feel fuzzy. I thought she was scared of you, so I wanted to get a closer look. But you're too cool and can rip someone apart if you wanted to, which is like... man, if only I had that strength! BUT I think the wedding would be a really heartwarming experience! Don't you think?![/color]" Rubbing her eyes which were slightly sore from being exposed to so much daylight in one day (not having her red hoodie with her), the White Rose muttered, "[color=tomato]I wonder how similar a wedding is to a funeral...[/color]" Sudden excitement fell over her. Jumping in place, a brilliant thought danced in her mind and needed to be expressed. Perhaps Calder could do a display of his strength? Oh man, that would be something to see! Rini couldn't help but think of possible fighting scenarios where the Troll made a bloody mess. Her head still felt a little lightheaded but the world was gradually stabilizing, which was weird. Bringing up her closed parasol, she pointed it toward the silver haired man with horns, who was flirting with the beautiful lady, "[color=tomato]Can you rip him apart!? or bash his skull in![/color]" Of course, Rini did not trust anyone she saw, due to being an outcast all her life. Perfect moments got ruined by the creatures of the world all the time, and she was ready for something bad to happen at this party 'of love'. Who knows if that guy was to be trusted, right? Something about the Hellspawn irked the woman. Intuition told her that he was the reason why her Big Sister was crying but even without that assumption, his smug face just annoyed her. It didn't help that Rini had a past experience with a man with similar features... but that's a story for another time. Turning her head to her new friend, her expression turned serious as she challenged, "[color=tomato]You are capable of doing that, right?[/color]" It wasn't like she was trying to be rude, the Crimson Death didn't know any better.