6.8/10 reminds me of Linkin Park quite a bit. It's rap but not set in the regular hip-hop which I enjoyed. I too like rap that really shows the lyrical ability of the writer rather than 'make money get bitches' which unfortunately the genre is awash with. I don't typically like rap but this was of a different variety and so I liked it! Having said all that I think the beat could have been better. It's a good platform for the lyrics but to be a really good song I think it needs a really strong beat to go with it. My next suggestion could be considered 'out there' by some and so I'm really interested what people would think of it, personally a very important song even if it is in German. [Center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0gsuJdQnl4&ab_channel=Moe[/youtube][/Center]