Dark green awakens with a jolt, sensing something wrong. Why was she in Cryostasis? Where was she? Is there anyone else aboard? She releases the lever on the inside of the machine, and falls out unceremoniously. The moment she hit air, her eyes started to process information: the content, quality, humidity, temperature...it was all too much at once. Blinking rapidly, Dark Green looks around the area she is in. "[i][color=007236]No one here, huh. Of course.[/color]"[/i] She mutters curses into the darkness. Across the room from her is a small red light, indicating a door of some kind. "[i]Worth a try[/i]," she thinks. She moves shakily to the door, all the while trying to understand what her eyes are telling her. She reaches the door and pushes the button, and nothing. Pounding her fists against it, she starts to look for another way out.