Alana follows Isa down the stairs, taking her sweet time. She knew it must be killing the poor Tiger to have to wait, but as of now, she didn't care. She would follow orders and do whatever she needed to gain her freedom. He seemed so eager to fight, it made her wonder how much of that was Animal instinct and how much was just personality. Alana sighed, she wasn't eager to fight so early. Hopefully she would make it out of this mostly unharmed. "[i][color=007236]Wouldn't want another trip to the Lab, now would we, Dear. Who knows what they would mix you with this time[/color][/i]," she mused. Arriving at the bottom of the staircase, Alana took her place next to the Tiger. "[color=007236]See, such a big hurry to just wait here for our turn, we could have chatted a bit over breakfast, Kitten[/color]," she quips. She glances over at the scientist, eagerly watching the fight. "Wonder how the little Dog is doing." Alana hoped the fiery little dog was going to be okay. She sincerely hoped they would BOTH be alright. Seemed they drew the short straws on tough animal dna, but Alana knew she could at least survive.