Reserved for each characters gamer and important npc that may show up [hider=Magic] Now I have come up with a list of magic I want everyone to know that this is just an idea of the basic run down of spells and their types. I will not stifle anyone who wants to be creative and make their own magic spell but it needs to be plausible and be approved by either me or the co gm. first up I will show the intensity scale: [color=green]Green for level one; level one meant for beginners[/color], [color=blue]blue for level 2; level 2 meant to be taken by intermediate or apprentice mages can use magic capable of dealing with a small group or a moderately difficult boss[/color], [color=yellow] yellow for level 3; level 3 the training wheels are off now a full fledge mage able to cause damage to a widespread area[/color], [color=orange] orange for level 4; level 4 meant for grand wizards they are capable of using magic to take on an army[/color], [color=red] red for level 5; level 5 meant to classify the 1% of mages able to take down a continent with a flick of their wrist[/color] First up projectile magic= [list] [color=green]spirit ball: a literal sphere made from magic classic throw to an enemy[/color] [*][u]The spirit ball creates a small sphere of Mana generated by the user. This spell causes Area of Effect damage of up to 3 meters from the point of contact. This spell is the basic in magical manipulation and as such costs the user 5 points from the Mana pool[/u] [color=blue]spirit gun: concentrated magic coming from a single point usually from a finger to make a "gun" then fire. gives piercing damage. while low leveled it can be improved up to level 3[/color] [*][u]Another basic spell for the beginning mage to learn. The spell is made when the user concentrates their Mana into a single point usually ones own finger and send out the energy collected in said finger into a single blast. At the early stage of this spell it only costs 7 points in the users Mana pool and when fired at an enemy it gives anti armor damage and negates up to 3 points of the enemy armor[/u] [color=blue]Mana Arrow: an upgrade from the spirit ball an actual arrow is formed then thrown at the enemy causes piercing damage. while initially low leveled if improved to expert level it can reach up to level 4[/color] [*][u]The Mana arrow is the improvement of the Mana sphere where the user manipulates it into the shape of the arrow and throws it at the enemy. This spell only costs 7 points in the Mana pool and can only attack one enemy at a time this spell also has an anti armor effect that negates up to 5 points of the enemy armor[/u] [color=yellow]Spinning Mana arrow: the first variation from the Mana arrow, giving the arrow a rotation doubles its piercing ability enough to go through most enemies[/color] [*][u]the improved version of the Mana arrow where the user gives a small but noticeable manipulation and makes the arrow spin in a 180 degree rotation while at first glance this doesn't do anything enemy will really notice what it does when it makes contact. With the added rotation this spell really digs into the enemies armor almost doubling the armor piercing effect up to 9 and while this is only a small change to the original Mana arrow this spell does cost more up to 10 points in the Mana pool[/u] [color=yellow]Spirit bomb: a step up from the spirit ball the user has learned how to make the ball explode at just the right time causing widespread damage[/color] [*][u]This spell is an upgrade from the original Mana sphere where the user imbues the Mana sphere with an inactive sphere on its inside to activate at the point of impact. This spell costs up to 8 points in the Mana pool for making the sphere an explosive. This spell has an explosive range for medium distance crowd control[/u] [color=yellow]giant spirit ball: leveled at 3 for the amount of Mana needed to create it to the appropriate size (larger then the actual mages body) this while only a step up from the original spirit ball causes massive damage to anyone unlucky to stand in its way[/color] [*][u]This spell is a larger and more destructive version of the original spirit ball. This spell has a cast time of up to 2 posts meaning that it takes 1 post to initiate construction and then the second post to be able to fire it off. This spell costs a whopping 15 points of Mana to create in one go and has a cool down of the same time. This spell has a long explosive radius at the point of impact because of its size and explosive power it also has a slight anti armor effect that takes away 4 points of armor from the opponent.[/u] [color=yellow]Spinning giant spirit ball: another example of how a spin can cause more force. The addition of the spin helps the spirit ball go through some of the toughest of armor however the main reason that this isn't a level 4 or higher is because of the time delay in making such a giant ball spin[/color] [*][u]This spell has the slight but noticeable spin that the Mana arrow was able to make but in a much larger form. This has a cast time of up to 3 posts and as a result is hard to fully form in battle and be used. This spell costs even more Mana and goes up to 17 points. This spell also has an increased explosive range of up to a medium radius and with its added spin this spell has a much higher anti armor effect and negates 10 points of armor. This spell is made to devastate any enemy worth the trouble of using it[/u] [color=orange] infinity magic arrows: the user has learned to create multiple magic arrows depending on the users ability and how much he has put into improving this spell this can in fact take down an army[/color] [*][u]this spell is an improvement on the single Mana arrow an instead allows the user to create multiple Mana Spheres around the user and transforms each into an arrow. This spell uses the same effects that a normal Mana arrow is able to create the main difference is that the amount Mana this spell consumes it dependent on how many Arrows the user wishes to use at once times 7, this spell is continuous and as a result will not stop firing unless the user stops creating the arrows or they have insufficient Mana to continue the assault.[/u] [color=red]Infinity spinning magic arrows: the arrows are now numerous and spinning this can cause massive damage to any large group of enemy and even the toughest of bosses. the amount of damage it can do is ridiculous.[/color] [*][u]This spell much like the infinity magic arrows is a variation that adds the spinning effect and the same continuous effects however because of the assault this spell costs the amount of arrows made times 10. The anti armor effect is also incredible enhanced with up to 16 for each arrow shot[/u] [/list] (with projectile out of the way the next spells are elemental) [list] [color=green]rock wall: mainly a protection magic the user creates a wall made from rock to protect against damage[/color] [*][u]this spell is meant for the Earth mage that wants to protect against physical damage. This is a basic spell and as a result only costs 6 points and only protects from a single direction at the basic level. This Spell adds 8 points of armor to the user for the post.[/u] [color=green]wind slash: an offensive wind magic creating a slash in the air to attack the opponent while this is a beginning move it can be improved up to level 3 so to slash through multiple enemies[/color] [*][u]This the basic spell for any wind mage to understand as the user generates wind from their fingertips up to their elbows at this basic level the amount of wind generated is much but it still gets the job done. The amount of Mana is needed is 8 points. This spell has a long range though and when the user unleashes the wind slash by making an actual slash motion it gives the attack an anti armor effect of up to 6 points. it can be even more powerful when trained by the mage to generate more wind to triple the effect[/u] [color=green]healing waters: a water restoration magic the user uses water around him to help heal his wounds can be improved up to level 2 to increases the effects[/color] [*][u]This spell is the bread and butter for any water mage a basic healing spell that minimizes the use of actual Mana and instead relies on the water around. This spell costs 4 points from the Mana pool and allows the user to heal themselves or their allies by increasing their hp regain multiplied by 4 and to be specific the user needs at least a gallon of water to use this spell.[/u] [color=blue]fireball=exactly what it sounds like the user creates a fireball in his hand to throw, while low level it can increase up to level 4 for maximum size and devastation ability[/color] [*][u]This spell is the basic for any fire mage where the user manipulates the Mana sphere and instead creates it in a flame form. 6 points of Mana are needed from the pool and like the regular Mana sphere this fireball has a area of effect of a short radius and because it is on fire it gives burning damage to the enemy of up to 4 points per post for 3 posts unless the fire is extinguished[/u] [color=blue]rock golem: earth magic used to great a stone golem to fight for him. This is a very adaptable magic as golems do not need to be made of earth and can instead become giant as a city or multiple to create your own army. With intense training can increase up to level 4[/color] [*][u]This spell is a specialty for any earth mage as it creates a rock type golem that is 5 feet tall. The Golem is costly however at 13 points of Mana per golem if at this precise size. The Golem is capable of basic combat that includes charging, defending, and attacking it is unable to perform complex tasks like turning a doorknob or sewing at least at its current state. The greatest ability of the rock golem is adaptability for its mage like being made of different materials other then stone or to become gigantic but this is only available at later levels and after a significant amount of training[/u] [color=blue]windy body= a self improvement magic using wind to give the user a higher evasion rate and make them faster. can be improved up to level 3 for increased effects.[/color] [*][u]This spell is a must for any wind mage as it helps avoid enemy attacks. This spell generates wind around each of the user joins from elbows to knees and increases the users flexibility that one would only expect from an Olympic gymnast this spell has a set time usage of up to 3 posts and the cost of the spell is 14 points from the Mana pool. This spell allows the user to dodge more attacks from their enemy by adding 6 points to the roll that they will evade the attack[/u] [color=blue]water gun= one of the few offensive magic's in the water category. The user uses water around him to make a Jetstream of water flow at the opponent can be improved up to 4 to create a tsunami at the opponent[/color] [*][u]This spell is an offensive type of attack from the water mage which is needed for most to survive since the water mage is generally a support type. This spell uses the water in the area to gather into the palm of the user this process costs up to 5 points from the Mana pool as the user shoots the water at the enemy in a high pressure release. Much like the force of a fire hose so try not to imagine a squirt gun. This spell can be improved though to increase the amount of water and the force to create a tsunami effect to attack the opponent however few water mages actually go through with learning the water gun spell to this extent[/u] [color=yellow]firewall: the fire mage creates a wall of fire around the opponent to trap them and then close around the opponent[/color] [*][u]The firewall spell is a devastating attack for any mage that specializes in fire. The user forms a rune to appear in front of them that covers the area in fire up to 50 meters around the user at 360 degrees this spell is one of the most costly at 20 points of Mana. The spell closes in on the mage from a long range it will cause no damage to the mage. Those caught in this wall of fire are dealt with 10 extra points of fire damage[/u] [color=orange]stone impalement: the user has learned the ability to create stalagmites at will and as a result is able to impale the opponent on them causes widespread piercing damage[/color][anti armor effect short to long range] [*][u]This spell is meant for crowd control giving the user the ability to create stalagmites from the earth. This spell costs a staggering 24 points of Mana. The range of this spell goes to a medium range however the stalagmites can reach up to medium height literally impaling the enemy because of this the anti armor effect is able to take down up to 12 points of armor from the enemy.[/u] [color=orange]wind sword: the user has learned to channel wind from their hands and as a result creates an invisible blade to slice through enemies. this is classified at 4 because of its ability to both expand to great lengths and be invisible to the naked eye.[/color] [*][u]this spell is the highest and strongest form of the wind mages ability. The mage generates wind from their fingers to their shoulder and moves it in a high frequency it takes great concentration to do this a single slip up could result in the users own arm to possibly get cut off which is why this takes a turn of posting to be done properly. This spell uses the wind at a high frequency and is able to make the blade reach up to medium range for crowd control or keep in at normal range to take on one boss. The anti armor this spell uses can take away up to 15 points the amount of Mana needed to create this spell and continue it is 18 points of Mana per post.[/u] [color=orange]dehydrator: an offensive and restorative magic that dehydrates living things around the spell caster while healing the spell caster with the being collected. the only reason that this isn't a level 5 is because of the massive mana pool needed to cast the spell for a few moments at best[/color] [*][u]this spell is used by a water mage who's back is against the wall. This spell is only capable by high level water mages who have learned to take water from ALL sources including the human body. This spell has the user take away water from all sources around them and heals them. The dehydration only covers a short distance but the healing ability allows the user to heal for +10 of their vitality. This spell also comes at a high cost at 16 points of Mana per post[/u] [color=red] eruption: just like it sounds the fire mage has learned how to harness magma underneath the earth and shoot it at its enemy causing devastation this ends a battle really quickly[/color] [*][u]This spell is the pinnacle of fire techniques, the user has learned to control hot magma and bend it to their will. This spell costs up to 30 points of Mana for good reason as anyone without good control would end up dying by their own technique. This spell can reach a long range from the target and can not be used until after 2 posts of concentration. The spells cool down however goes up to 5 posts so that the user cant call upon it unless their looking to completely annihilate the enemy. The Anti Armor effect this gives off nearly melts away most enemy armor at 16 points taken.[/u] [/list] next up is chi magic/protection magic still unsure of the name: [list] [color=green]heal: self explanatory anybody can do this if they understand mana can go up to level 3 with enough training to increase the amount of HP gained[/color] [*][u]This spell is the basic for anyone not only a mage but for all gamers. The user controls the Mana in their body and puts it into their hand to help heal any injury which costs 5 points from the Mana pool. This process will heal up to 6 points of health per heal this increases by 1 for every 10 in intelligence [/u] [color=blue]Iron body: a protection spell that enhances the users body to increase resistance against physical attacks[/color] [*][u]This spell is good for any close range fighter to help make them tougher to take on in a fight. The user uses their energy to harden their skin to make it feel as the name suggests like iron. This allows the user to fight with confidence knowing that it will be harder for the enemy to inflict a fatal wound with this spell active. This spell costs 3 points from the Mana pool each post to keep this active as it is a continuous spell that can stay active until the user runs out of Mana or they release the spell itself. The amount of resistance this spell gives relies on the users strength instead of their intelligence like most spells the spell gives 1 point of protection for every 2 points in strength [/u] [color=blue]mana shield: a shield made out of mana, a constant spell that creates a protective bubble of mana around the user to withstand spells can be upgraded to level 3 to increase the amount of protection it can give before it breaks[/color] [*][u]This spell is perfect for those that want to avoid projectile weapons as this spell is called it is a shield that help works against projectiles and will break with a hard enough hit against it. This spell draws power from the users Mana and will cost 6 points in the Mana pool the user creates a Mana sphere and expands it to the point that it covers the user in a bubble of protection. This spell costs 3 points of Mana however each post to maintain and this spell breaks when enough force is applied to it or if an enemy gets to close that their is no space for the sphere to exist. The Mana shield needs 5 points of damage before it breaks [/u] [color=blue]bronze fists: this spell increases the users power when in a physical confrontation by making the users fists as tough as bronze can be upgraded to level 3 to increase the power gained[/color] [*][u]This spell is the bread and butter for anyone specializing in close range combat. As the name suggests the user has their Mana flow towards their fists like a feeling of covering with a glove. This spell enhances the users strikes considerably by adding 5 points to their strength. Each strike hits harder against the enemy, this spell costs 5 points from their Mana pool and costs the same amount to keep the spell active until the user has lost all Mana or releases the spell like the iron body spell this gives 1 point of armor for each 2 strength[/u] [color=blue]intellect boost: a self improving magic that increases the users intellect and mana recovery for a certain amount of time[/color] [*][u]This spell is best suited for a mage since most of their abilities rely on intellect itself. The user uses the Mana in their bodies and directs the mass of it and have their neurons fire faster then normal increasing their minds processing speed. This spell increases intelligence by 8 points and this process of increasing ones intelligence is temporary the amount of Mana needed for this spell is 6 points of Mana from the pool and to maintain costs the same amount.[/u] [color=blue]lions roar: This spell does not depend on intelligence because this requires high empathy. The lions roar encourages your allies to fight harder boosting their abilities for the duration of the spell.[/color] [*][u]This spell is a great boon to those who travel with others that are stronger then them or not of the courageous sort. This spell requires only 3 points from the Mana pool seeing as how this spell is better put to use by someone with high Empathy. This spell has the user say some great words of empowerment to inspire those that travel in his party the user yells and cheers for his allies to fight hard. This is a single use spell and works for the rest of the fight. The amount that is increased is dependent on the amount of EMP the user has. Lion's roar gives like 3/4's of the caster's Empathy rounded down, bonuses to the dicepool in attack & defending as well as a armor bonus. [/u] [color=yellow]healing mist: an improved ability to heal by creating a mist around the user to heal allies by half the users intelligence[/color] [*][u]this spell is best used for group healing as the user focuses their Mana into their hands and expels a mist that when breathed in increases the allies regenerative abilities allowing them to heal faster. This spell increases an allies healing by adding 6 points to their vitality. The cost for this spell is 7 points from the Mana pool[/u] [color=orange]invisibility: who doesn't want to be able to do this? The ability to turns one self invisible for a short window of time either to help escape an enemy or to stab someone in the back[/color] [*][u]the spell everyone wants especially the males that are just to curious for their own good. This spell is a difficult one as the user needs to concentrate and envelope their entire body in their own Mana and have the light bend around them so they seem invisible. This spell requires 14 points of Mana for the user to do and used continuously it requires 10 each post. While it refracts light around the user the invisible person isn't unable to be discovered by the classic footprints or clouds of dust around them.[/u] [color=orange]Flight: the ability to fly, not much else to say except that this ability sucks away a lot of mana and can only be taught either by a spell book or a mage who has already learned it. so this should only be used in emergencies or if your late[/color] [*][u]The ability to fly is a dream that everyone shares this spell is possible when the user generates Mana around them to propel them into the air. This spell costs up to 15 points of Mana each post to continue flight.[/u] [/list] Finally debilitating magic= [list] [color=green]smoke screen: the user creates smoke from their palms to create a mist to hide the user. Used to either create an escape or to stop the enemy from attacking user. can be upgraded to level 4 to edit the effects of the smoke to create electricity or even help the user highlight the enemy in the smoke itself.[/color] [*][u]The smoke screen is a classic for any able mage learning the arts of escape or remaining hidden. This spell has the user generate Mana into their palms and to form smoke as it leaves the body the hard part is using enough to cover the immediate area. This spell costs 8 points in the Mana pool and the spell lasts for 2 posts until the smoke dissipates.the smoke bomb gives 2 success to the person rolling to escape or be stealthy and an extra once the user hits level 4 in the spell[/u] [color=blue]poison tip: this spell creates a poison for the users weapon an enchantment effect for a few posts before wearing off[/color] [*][u]The poison tip spell is best used for those that want a little bit of an edge with their weapon of choice. The user projects their Mana into their weapons sharp point for example they would generate it on the blade of an Ax. This spell costs up to 6 points from the Mana pool and will last for 3 posts before the effect wears off.[/u] [color=blue]magical chains: Chains made from mana that the user can manipulate to cause paralysis to the target enemy depending on the enemy it is used on it can be used to capture an enemy permanently or as a temporary stop to a boss for some breathing room. can be upgraded to level 3 to increase the effects.[/color] [*][u]The Magical chains spell is best used for a hunter of sorts that wants to keep their enemy alive or immobile to give the finish blow. The user manipulates their Mana to form a chain from their palm and lashes it towards the opponent it will immediately wrap around the opponent and anchoring them to the floor to keep them from moving with the permission of the caster. This spell costs 7 points from the Mana pool and the chains last up to 2 posts without training at least before the chains weaken to the point that the enemy can break the chains and free themselves[/u] [color=blue] illusion: As the name implies the user is able to create a terrifying image meant to scare the enemy into being stunned. Can be upgraded to increase the chance of stunning the opponent up to level 3[/color] [*][u]This spell has the user play an illusion against the enemy. The user uses their Mana to portray a terrifying image either one of pure terror like an unbeatable beast or play at the heart strings with an image of sadness. This spell costs 6 points from the Mana pool and cant be used again for another 4 turns since this spell wouldn't have any effect if the opponent just got over the first image the user created. The user gets 3 extra dice for rolling for whatever evasive purpose the user is using the illusion for[/u] [color=blue]play dead: yeah as the name implies the user plays dead but the actual trick requires magic to make the death look convincing. However this is very risky because if the death does not look convincing then the user takes double the damage until the "play dead" effect wears off.[/color] [*][u]This spell is considered a "hail marry spell" This spell needs to be convincing or the effects of the spell could cause real death for the one who cast it. The user will drop to the ground and generate a Mana field around them that will have them simulate death to their viewer: no heartbeat, pale skin, decay setting in, the works. The cost of this spell is 5 from the Mana pool and it will cost 3 each post to maintain the spell until the spell is released or the user is found out and is attacked.[/u] [color=orange]black whispers: this spell is more of a curse then anything it curses the enemy and weakens them however if the opponent is unable to be curse or beats the intelligence check then the enemy is instead stunned one round to recuperate[/color] [*][u]This spell is best used by someone who wants to defeat an enemy without forcing a single attack onto them. This spell is a true curse as the user generates Mana into their very voice the cause a curse effect on the enemy to feel the effects. The cost from this spell is 11 from the Mana pool and the spell cant be used until 3 posts after the usage of it. the curse halves the pool of dice for fighting and their defense[/u] [/list] [/hider]