[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [color=f7941d] ~ Of course we could have, we could also have duked it out right then and there, kinda like the first fight Isa'd been in, except less fatalities... probably. Besides, since when did you have anything worth chatting about? ~ [/color] [color=8882be][i]Isa was mostly just to eager to get started to care about anything else at this point, he didn't harbor any particular ill will towards Alana, but he was always a cold individual anyway, so she wasn't likely to get much better from him any other time either. He watched while he waited, sitting in the entrance, tail twitching, silently critiquing the combat as it unfolded.[/i] Luci should just shift to full wolf, and chew her up, she shouldn't have stood there like a gaping jackdaw while he shifted. She may have lost her chance of winning this right there, but she stayed in her faunus form, so maybe she had plan. Clever duck Fiona, should have sent an elbow or fist up into his belly though. Luci you fool, keep your feet on the ground, you're bigger than her stop jumping around, it just makes this easier for her to gut you. [i]Isa didn't really care who won, he just hoped one of them would figure out how to fight soon, so he didn't have to watch them play fight all week. Part of him noticed Alana rooting for Fiona, but it didn't really register for him. Comradeship ... indeed, community, had failed him, had failed his family, so Isa had no interest in ever relying on anyone again. He was tired of being hurt by others, and wanted more than a little to make sure someone else felt his pain. In theory, he wanted that someone, or those someones, to be the ones who hurt him, but his actions were painting a different picture.[/i][/color] [@L4dyH4wke][@KatherinWinter]