Undyne skidded to a halt as she entered the next room, her battle furor tempered somewhat as she spotted the spike covered bridge over the water. Taking a moment to pick the last few splinters from her hair, she paused to consider the bridge covered in spikes that stood between the group and the next door. Another puzzle, and no sign of the punk that kidnapped Frisk, she considered with a snarl. How far back into the Underground [i]had [/i]Frisk been taken anyway? Were they in the ruins still, or had they moved to Snowdin, or Waterfall, maybe all the way back to the Core? Undyne cringed as she thought of the unpleasant heat of obviously named Hotlands and hoped they could find her bestie before they got that far. It was like a fridge in there, it was so hot. Her fridge, not those weird versions the silly humans use to keep things cold, Undyne thought with an offhand smirk. Undyne was shocked out of her thoughts when the boxy form of Mettaton announced his presence as he floated overhead. Taking a moment to make sure she looked decent, since if Mettaton were here there would be a pretty good chance she'd be on camera right now, Undyne returned her attention to the spikes on the bridge out of this place. [color=0076a3]"Hmmm....hey Toriel used to live down here, didn't she?"[/color] Undyne remarked in Skyler's direction, lifting up one foot and holding it over the spikes on the bridge to see what happened. [color=0076a3]"Maybe she might have an idea to solve this problem, or maybe she already solved it!"[/color] --- [i][color=007236]"C-come on guys...this isn't f-funny anymore..."[/color] Sethlan whimpered. Slowly he trudged forward, feeling his tiny legs protest as he pulled his boots from the deep snow with every step, hopelessly lost. The wind howled around him, stinging his eyes and pelting his skin with large, wet snowflakes. Nothing was visible beyond the vague outline of trees, nothing but the bitter chill surrounding him. His chest burned, his throat was raw, but every part of him felt numb, chilled to the bone. [color=007236]"P-Please...d-don't leave me here..."[/color] A burst of wind caught the pangolin by surprise and he stumbled, landing face first in the snow. The cold shock made him yell, but it only came out as another sad whimper. The wind seemed to intensify as he tried to climb back up. He was hunched over in pain from the intense chill. Snow piled on his back as he desperately marched on. [color=007236]"S-so...c-cold..."[/color] Sethlan stumbled again as his foot caught on something and fell to his knees again, his tears falling down his face in pain. He tried to stand up again. His legs refused. There was nothing but darkness around him. Darkness and snow. He tried to move onward, crawling, dragging himself across the white field, until his legs refused to push further. Sethlan stopped moving, his limbs numb with cold and pain. Everything was dark. Sethlan was so tired... [color=007236]"P-please...s-someone...h-help me..."[/color] But nobody came. [color=yellow]"He-Hey!"[/color] No, wait. There was someone there... [color=yellow]"Ca-Can you hear me?"[/color] I'm right here, please help me... [color=yellow]"I-It looks like he was hi-hit pretty hard..."[/color] A pair of metal-coated arms lifted him from the ground. He closed his eyes and fell asleep...[/i] Sethlan groaned, feeling his head throb painfully as he regained consciousness. Pushing himself to a sitting position, his memory of what happened came trickling back to him. He was chasing a human through the woods for...some reason. Something to do with a laser. And he was knocked out by something. Maybe a tree, he wasn't too sure. Did he run into one? Gosh he hoped not, it had been embarrassing enough the last seven times that happened. Sethlan then became aware that there were two other monsters nearby that were fussing over him. As his eyes came back into focus, he realized with a jolt that they weren't just ANY monsters, but in fact were the former king and the former royal scientist! Wow! [color=007236]"Um...hello,"[/color] Sethlan said meekly, hopeless unaware of how to speak to them appropriately. [color=007236]"I can hear you. Just got a, um, bad bump on the head. Heh, no worries, happens all the time. Got a thick skull, and stuff..."[/color] He cracked a strained smile that he hoped look like a heroic grin.