[centre][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/f590/f/2016/046/0/d/finished_by_fenixking13-d9pll3o.png[/img][/centre] [color=ed1c24][centre]Adian 'The Moth King'[/centre][/color] Adrians wings were spread wide as the moth man glided through the sky, around him were thousand of smaller moths clinging to him or flying around him, drawn to his presence like a magnet. His thoughts seemed to call or repel at his leisure and it was perk he drew great amusement from. So many people disliked moths and many more disliked an 8 foot tall one with rending claws and sharp teeth. An advantage he had used very rarely, preferring to observe rather than instigate. Bound in service to Reina Izumi, Adrian had offered his services in the wake of an unforgivable accident. Though the moth would never admit to such a thing in public there was an incident where someone had eaten a majority of the young girls clothing in a midnight binge. Had all gone downhill from there. The girl had later allowed him to serve her as a familiar and Adrian had taken to the role diligently. Granted the creature had been bound by others in the past but never had he done so for more than a fleeting moment, whatever magic that had bound them as master and servant always fizzled out and became null. Often to the displeasure of the, what Adrian had begun referring to his old masters as, 'collector'. This time was different to him in a way not yet fully understood. Willing service to this one was a new and interesting experience. Though Ms.Izumi often lamented that he slept in her closet and continued to unintentionally drool and dissolve expensive garments. Adrian had since taught himself not to destroy her things unintentionally. Like a dream the memory of their binding returned as he drifted across the massive schoolgrounds searching for his princess. A concoction of crushed bugs, bile, and foul liquids had formed the framework upon her back. A likeness of his own wings magically imposed upon her skin that could be expanded into her own set of wings similar to his own. Mastery of flight came natural for his species but the girl had problems. Fear of heights was often a question but never would he pry on her interest or disapproval. At long last he saw her enter the schoolgrounds and felt the familiar race of his heart at spotting the youthful girl. A great beat of his wings scattered the other moths into a frenzy as they all collectively tried to keep up with their diving leader. His freefall became a controlled swoop as Adrian spread his wings wide to catch the air and act like a parachute, slowing his descent to a crawl as both feet touched solid ground. Forwards in a rush he came to try for a hug on his master but the simplest of glances froze the colossal moth as surely as a brick wall. Even the lesser moths that fluttered around them like a storm refused to so much as fly too close to Reina let alone land on her. Instead they circled at arms reach like a tornado about her and swarmed over Adrian, who promptly dipped to one knee and bowed his head, his wings folding across his body while draping his luxurious red cloak across his exposed body. [color=ed1c24]"You have arrived, my queen. At last! I trust the trip has not been taxing?" [/color] In the time Mothra had come to serve this girl the attitude had changed dramatically. When on the clock he was well trained, obedient, and respectful. Her protection was top priority. His very physique had been altered with the contract, granting him power and speed to match. Though by no means the strongest he was capable of fending off attackers and performing physical feats previously impossible. The chitenous hide of his exoskeleton had hardened to offer more protection as well. A gift he had never received with any other. All for her benefit.