[color=C3B091][h1][b]Vera Rosenberg[/b][/h1][/color][hr][hr][b]Vera's Natural Habitat (The Garden)[/b][hr][hr] [b]"Yes, plants are my magical specialty, but what about yours? We don't get a chance to talk much, despite sharing a dorm." [/b] Well, that was true. Although the girls Vera was sharing a dorm with weren't all that bad, it seemed she wasn't interacting with them as much as she expected. If she was to gain even a little bit of trust, then actually talking to them was her best bet. And actually remembering their names, too. [color=C3B091][b]"Manipulation over a wide range of plants… That is quite an ability you have there, Alicia. I'm a Bratus mage myself, however… my powers are much more limited."[/b][/color] Before Vera attempted to pull one of the withered plants, her little friend spoke up. [b]"No, they're still alive. Let me see what I can do. No promises, though."[/b] Another chance to see Alicia's magic in action. Not that it was a bad thing, though. Some insight on her roommate's abilities was always useful. Slowly but gently, her new acquaintance invested all of her magic into the flowers' death bed, attempting to revive them back to good health. It was simple and not too spectacular but it got Vera hooked. If this girl where to practise a bit more, then… No. As if Vera would worry over such things, right? Doing something like that was pretty troublesome, right? [b]"I did what I could, and I think they can still be saved. They'll need heavy doses of water and fertilizer, though. Get them back up to speed. And before you say anything, it was no problem. Much better test of my powers than working with healthy plants; that's pretty easy."[/b] [color=C3B091][b]"My, such skill for a mage so young,"[/b][/color] Vera responded, despite their mere one year age gap. [color=C3B091][b]"Some people find it much easier to simply control plants, make them flourish. However, creating plants and how fast you can grow them depends solely on the person. In your case…"[/b][/color] Facing Alicia, Vera held out her ringed hand, focusing her magic power into it. It would begin to glow an emerald green before a small magic circle appeared, producing a single rose. [color=C3B091][b]"…if you practise frequently, you'll be able to find it much easier to create plants if necessary. You're already quite talented, Alicia. It would be a shame to see such talent go to waste."[/b][/color] Vera then stepped away to reach for some fertiliser as Alicia had advised. Good thing she always left things where it would serve some use in the future. [color=C3B091][b]"I guess it wouldn't hurt to teach you a few tricks of my own either."[/b][/color] Shit. How did something like that manage to slip out? Looking a bit taken back, Vera's body stiffened. [color=C3B091][b]"That is… if you have time to spare, of course."[/b][/color] Yet another promise Vera would be reluctant to keep. Her mind seemed to say otherwise, however. How was she going to get out of this one? [@shagranoz]