[center][h1]It is about time I got some recognition![/h1] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34790952/ch%C3%A2teau.jpg[/img][/center] As with Wolf Manor, and I am assuming Woll Manor this will be a private affair. Your CS's will be private. You all should already have the CS's, please make sure you PM them to TM99 and I as soon as possible. You may recognize some throwbacks to Wolf Manor, but it will only be darling references that hold no water (or memory of Wolf Manor). A few ground rules for you and your characters: [list]Cannot speak French (where would the fun be in that) Is up-and-coming in their field. That field can be anything, from teaching pre-school to a scientist. Please have no major contributions to your field at this time though (you know, don't want people that when they disappear are actually noticed). It is possible for your character to have knowledge on wine and wineries but they do not work for a winery, and are not well versed in the practice of winemaking. Please use new characters. As much as I love all of the characters from Wolf Manor I think it would be best for all new characters and drama to play with. No meta-gaming. I feel like you all know this, and I trust you all to comply. It is what makes this game so much fun. Also something that is not on the CS, but I would like to know when you send it in is: Specific reason for not telling family members why/where they're going, specific reason for accepting the invitation, and anything else you feel is important to your character.[/list]