"Bandits after undead after... ugh... what next will we be encountering just to go and escort this dang caravan." One of the man's said. Erion was near the caravan at the moment, staying silent. True, there were a lot of things that had attempted to stop them from going and getting this caravan to the next town, which needed the supplies from it badly. To say the least, this was taking a lot of time. One of the mercenairies that were hired with Erion walked next to him. "Eh... you don't really talk much I noticed. All this journey, and you stayed silent, even in fights." he then said. Erion just looked at him. "I just don't have much to say." he said to the other guy, who was a Ursine. The ursine looked at him and sighed. "A bit of conversation would have been good. Only thing I heard from you all journey was some mumbling to yourself." he says. Erion just looked at him and kept moving. "If you knew why..." he says. The ursine looked down on him. "I never seen someone had that kind of energy on his blade. I though at first it was some enchanting magic, but that isn't it... isn't it?" the ursine said. The caravan was moving more forwards, and both Erion and the ursine were getting left behind. "It isen't your business." Erion said before moving forwards to get back to the caravan, as well as the Ursine. "But it is considering we are working together right now. Seeing that energy... it makes me.... shivers a bit." he then says. Erion breath deeply as he look at the Ursine. "You really want to know? You really want to know why my magic is so different? I will tell you. Necromancy. The soul aspect of it, not the 'rising the dead and making them to your bidding' aspect of it. That is why my magic is so different! That is why I don't like talking about, cause everyone shuns my kind of magic, when it is how you use it that is the most important, not the nature of it!" he then says to the ursine, who just stops talking after this as Erion moved forwards. The others of the caravan looked at him, having heard what he said. "N...Necromancy..." The ursine said as he stood there for a bit. Erion looked back and sighed. "Lets just get this caravan to those people that are in desperate need and finish this, then I will be going." he says. He then heard one of the spirits talking to him... One of the spirits that he tried to banish about 100 times before, but it always came back... Jim.... "[i]Good job, now your gonna get beaten up like a pulp ya jerk.[/i]" he heard Jim say. "Shut up Jim...." he says annoyed as he moves forwards. The group, even though unsure of Erion, kept on moving. Soon, the caravan arrived at the other town... with Erion having once again banished Jim back to the spirit world for a 101 time. When will he come back, he didn't know, but god he wished he could just get rid of him. He had an idea how after the 10th time, but he never was able to get the material he needed for this. Trapping a soul into a glass orb, using multiple herbs and jewels to strength the bounding... One day maybe he could get rid of Jim and just leave him somewhere, but for now, he had to continue. The caravan leader was then giving out the reweard money to the mercenairies, thanking them for the help. When it came to Erion though, the leader looked at him with a skeptic look. "Not sure if you should get that money, you probably rose the dead there to try to make it harder for us." he then says, with Erion looking at him. "If that was the case, why did I take out most of my own 'minions' with my blade. Putting me in the same basket as other necromancers... not all of us that use that kind of magic are bad." he says to the leader, who was a Orius. The rhino looked at him and shake his head as he gave the money to Erion. "Just get out of here." he said. Erion took the money and shook his head. "I help people of this village, and this is how I get repaid." he said before leaving towards the forest. He kept walking, with some spirits moving near him. "[i]What a jerk! Treating you like that![/i]" One of them said to Erion. "[i]Don't understand why you didn't just plunge your blade into his heart for treating you like this.[/i]" another said. "[i]Don't listen to my friend, you did good.[/i]" Another said. Erion just breath deeply. "Sometimes I think I should have just kept with the kind of magic my family used... or at least try." he said as he moved forwards, before hearing something at a distance. Something.... big. He started to run towards where that sound was coming from, and saw the Wurm at a distance. "What in the world is that..." he said as he heard some chatters between some spirits that were fallowing him. Well, it was their choice to fallow him. He didn't force them to fallow him, he just... let them if they wanted to. He never understood why some spirits didn't keep to the spirit world and stayed in the world of the living, probably for memories of their old selves... Anyway, Erion just kept moving forwards, wondering what the heck that thing was even doing there. He then saw a ursine that seemed beaten up as well as a cat person who was getting ready to fight the thing. He then saw a bird person go and attack the wurm with a javelin and lightning bolt. "You got to be kidding me..." he says as he looked at the thing. He took his blade out. "[i]Are you kidding me! Are you really gonna fight that thing![/i]" one of the spirit says. "[i]Your funeral...[/i]" another added. Erion ran forwards before starting to shoot soul blasts towards the wurm thing, moving quickly. He was being careful in his movement, going as fast as he could. This could end up bad, but maybe he could weaken the thing enough to make it run away.... or make the others have an escape plan. "What the heck is a thing like this doing here!" he then yells.