[h1][color=yellow] Conner[/color][/h1] Time flew by for Conner. He was still in the same area blowing bubbles until finally deciding on what he should do. Going to town was simply out of the question, He could go shopping on his next day off. Besides, he thought it would be nice to take his time exploring the school, not only so that he could get a better understanding of the school grounds, but to also scout out for possible hiding spots to avoid others. He finished using up the last of the liquid bubbles in his container before heading out to locate said spots. He soon regretted this because he remembered that he had left his bag in his room at the library and now, he couldn't hide his face when he comes across other people. Instead, he sufficed with using his hands as a form of substitute until he gets his bag back. While walking through the halls, he overheard some female students talking about how they've both have already gotten their dates and picked out some dresses for the ball. A ball? Now that he thought about it, the shape shifter he met at the library yesterday did mentioning something about purchasing items that one would see at an event. He wasn't sure if he was going to go though. Being shy, confronting others was a big task on it's own let alone asking someone out. Plus he would have to go buy some nice clothing but just arriving here yesterday, he didn't know how to navigate through the city to find a clothing store. Giving a small sigh of defeat, Conner continued his walk. If anything he could just relax in his room right? Shortly after, the boy was at the center of school and immediately noticed there being another female student accompanied with a moth man, he also noticed the swarm of moths surrounding them. Upon closer inspection and seeing how they acted towards each other, Conner understood that this moth man must be her familiar. Not wanting to be a disturbance to them, Conner quickly hid behind a tree but had accidentally stepped on a small branch during the process which let out a loud [i]*Snap*[/i]. Scared in knowing that his location had been discovered, he peeked his head out of the side sheepishly and apologized. [color=yellow]"S-Sorry, I hope i'm not intruding o-on anything..."[/color] [@liferusher] [@Zelosse]