I will however make an exception about starting something before the move if it evolves my main guy. [hider=My Hider] [i][/i][i]This document is not to be printed or otherwise distributed in hardcopy format under any circumstances. Access to this document is restricted to security clearance E7 personnel or greater, or to immediate field personnel under special dispensation as required to perform their assigned tasks. Unauthorized access of this document, or failure to properly secure this document’s contents, is punishable under Shin-Ra Corporation Information Management Policy D14, and may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.[/i] [b][u]ShinRa Employee File[/u][/b] [b]SREN:[/b] 83-45B3-J7QE9 [b]Birth Name:[/b] [i][redacted][/i] [b]Code Name:[/b] Enki [b]Race:[/b] Human, Caucasian [b]Height:[/b] 1.80m [b]Weight:[/b] 89.36kg [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 11th, May [b]Town of Birth:[/b] 17th District (‘Edgetown Slums’) [b]Current Assignment:[/b] Special Liason, Shin-Ra Knights Experimental Division [b]Pay Grade:[/b] JE, Grade 4 [b]Physical Description:[/b] Keeping his sandy blond hair shortened most of the time he sometimes lets it grow a bit longer before seeking out a sanctioned stylist. When at formal or business functions he always comes in full compliance of company dress code but when field testing he wears a customized combat uniform devised for the Knight Program which varies depending on mission or test.  The combat uniform consists of black combat boots with dark green pants and top. His shoulder plate extended from the Gilgamesh Arm is black as is the harness that wraps around his waist and shoulder for his weapon which sits on his back. -[i]Authorizing physician: Dr. Shinokuni, SREN 87-33U4-J7TV6[/i] [b]Psychological Evaluation:[/b] Subject “Enki” still displays no long term psychological impairments from the incident. It is remarkable that he could still be a shining example of our Glorious Company. He suffers no traumatic stress symptoms but the fact he is so focused on his work and duties to the company leave me a bit worried. Most people that lived through REDACTED would be shaken to the core. I still recommend he keep up with the six month check ups with me even with his career in such a high gear. -[i]Authorizing psychologist: Dr. Yamamoto, SREN 66-66S6-8ISR6[/i] [b]Pre-Employment History:[/b] Born in the Edgetown Slums next to the world scar, Enki came from nothing and dreamed of the day he could join ShinRa. Finally when he was of age he applied to the company marking that he could do any job and since the company always needs able bodied military personal that is where he was first sent. After his first examinations and proficiency testing he was sent into [i]Further information redacted. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [b]Employment Records:[/b] [i]Classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [b]ShinRa Knight Project Notes:[/b] [i]Full access classified. Security clearance E7 required for full access. See project file PK-A12-7856/3[/i] Reporting: Exor Ghest, Project Lead, PK-A12-7856/3 “Knight Initiative” Enki was the first to undertake the special Knight program designed to take the SOLDIER program to the next level. Those in the program were to become defenders of ShinRa Interests and the defacto field commanders of all SOLIDER Troops. Notes below are a basic overview of the subject’s capabilities, for use by strategic commanders in the subject’s direct chain of command. Access is incredibly restricted. I mean it – leave this on an unsecured reader somewhere and you [i]will[/i] be shot. Remember your IMP training. [i]SOLDIER Training:[/i] The SOLDIER program doses the subjects with high levels of Mako that enhance their bodies as well as their magical properties. This blend of highly physical super soldiers combined with high aptitudes for magical combat create a deadly threat and with Enki it is no different. [i]Full access classified. Security clearance E7 required for full access. See project file PK-A1-0000/6[/i] [i]Materia Mastery[/i]- It seems that Enki is effected by any Materia that is fully mastered increasing his abilities even more, due to [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [i]Adaptability[/i]- The greatest strength it seems that Enki possesses is the ability to adapt his training, abilities, and equipment in different ways to over come impossible odds. This is probably one of the reasons he survived [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [i]Mako Warrior[/i]- Due to our specific Knight Training for Enki combined with his natural talents his physical abilities are only amplified by his magical ones. The stronger he becomes in this regard it only seems to amplify his body as well. [i]Full access classified. Security clearance E7 required for full access. See project file PK-A12-7856/3[/i] [i]Sensory Advantage[/i]- It seems that Enki has a knack for being able to sense things that he shouldn't. We have done tests but its inconclusive as to how or to what extent he can do this. [i]Odin UEye and Enkidu OS[/i]- The Enkidu operating system is what runs the technical aspects of the entire Aire Tam Storm and Gilgamesh Arm hybrid system. The Odin UEye, or UI(User Interface) is projected directly in Enki's vision through implants in his eye which gives readouts on various things like sytem functions and keeps track of enemey data for him. The Operating system is in all actually controlled through Enki's brain but the UI bridges the divide of physical and mental use giving him something to work with visually. [i]Sword Casting[/i]- Using the Aire Tam Storm weapon which takes the materia equipped and [i][redacted][/i]. This makes it so even in an environment where normal combat magic is not possible the ability to cast on a melee level is still possible.(EDIT: Sword casting is the term we used for being able to cast elemental abilities directly from sword strikes and even projectiles via an arc or blade beam.) [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [i]Ambient Aura System[/i]- When taking non physical damage the Gilgamesh EX-009 absorbs some of the energy to convert into raw magical power boosting his own capabilities. This process is a new technique done by [i][redacted][/i]. It can also draw upon [i][redacted][/i] to power out magical spells without using normal Mana. [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [i]Crisis Enhancer System[/i]- A system put into the place that monitors the condition of Enki. As his condition worsens the system [i][redacted][/i] In simple terms the closer that Enki is to death his magical output is boosted by the system. [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [i]System Cleanse[/i]- The Gilgamesh EX-009 has a blood filtration system in place that cleanses all poisons, toxins, or states such as an unwanted sleep or paralysis. It is a way to nullify status effects. [i]Soul Break[/i]- Its been long known of the use of what is called a “limit break”. The buildup of pressure in battle situations that culminates into a powerful ability. I have theorized though there is a second “break” past this I call a “Soul Break”. I believe fully that subject Enki transcended Limit Break and achieved “Soul Break” during the events of... [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [b]Registered Equipment:[/b] [i]Aire Tam Storm[/i]- A special sword developed that can [i][redacted][/i]. It holds eight materia slots. [i]Further access classified. Security clearance E7 required for further access.[/i] [b]NOTE: ALL + Damage numbers are arbitrary and flavor only. It just shows he is not a slouch in raw throughput.[/b] *GlacialGale(+33% Magic Damge <-->*ThunderStorm(+33% Magic Damage) *HowlingSteel(+25% Magic Damage) <--> *Haunt(+25% Magic Damage) *Comet(+50% Magic Damage) <--> *Bioroots(+33% Magic Damage) *Eclipse(+33% Magic Damage)<--> *MagmaQuake(+33% Magic Damage) [i]Gilgamesh EX-009[/i]- Both an armor and Enki's new cybernetic arm. It takes the materia inside of it and [i][redacted][/i]. It holds up to eight materia. *Alexander(Access to Holy Element)<--> *Odin(Negates Death Effects) *Diablos(Access to Dark Element) <--> *Ragnarok(+50% All Damage) *Orion(Perception Augmented)<--> *Chronos(+20% Speed) *Fenrir(Fights till the last drop of blood) <--> *Aegis(+50% M.Defense and Defense) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After this line, all info does not get posted on new sites. [b]Materia Armors-[/b] The Gilgamesh arm reads the arcane data stored inside the materia and projects it out into the world much like a "summon". What is created is attached to Enki's body via the system and gives him direct control over them or letting them act on their own. Enki has called them his "Armors" with each one having their own base abilities or being augmented from the elemental materias from the Aire Tam Storm as both systems are linked. [i]---Alexander:[/i] The armor is the most defensive boosting of his armors while giving Enki access to the "holy" element. It focuses on defense while seeking that one powerful finishing blow. It is an embodyment of the Holy light and passively negates all holy elemental damage done to it. The armor comes with a holy blade of Excalibur which can also be accessed separately. [i]---Odin:[/i] Focusing on speed and swift strikes this armor also packs quite a potent punch with the Gungir spear. The Zantesuken is shown to be able to cleave through multiple enemies at a time. Passively it acts like its being conjoined with an added effect materia giving Enki a passive negate to instant death spells. The Zantesuken and Gungir can be summoned separately from Odin as well. [i]---Diablos:[/i]The demon armor invokes fear in most and is a quick casting armor that sling out dark imbued magical attacks. It is an embodiment of Darkness and is immune to the element. It passively gives Enki access to the dark element. [i]---Ragnarok:[/i] One of the two materia that do not spawn an armor the Gilgamesh produces a sword for Enki to use. With the "Ultima" spell imbued into its every essence the sword seems to naturally cast it with each attack and can produce various different versions of it. Passively it grants a huge damage bonus. [i]---Orion:[/i] The celestial hunter visually looks like a living constellation with his movements. The armor gives Enki some great long range capabilities as well as passively enhancing his already eerie perception. [i]---Chronos:[/i] The armor associated with the god of time appears with scythe in hand and deals "time" damage. Aging what it damages or even making it younger with field testing resulting in many of our battle drones rusting into decay or even falling apart back into their base components. Passivly it increases his speed. [i]---Fenrir:[/i] The beast of legend gives a strength and hunger unprecedented. The armor can rip and bite through anything and gives a nice passive to Enki in the form of the ability to keep fighting until his system can no longer function at all. [i]---Aegis:[/i] The second of the two materia not to spawn a specific summon armor, instead it summons a Shield that can alter its own shape to fit what it needs. Enki has been known to use it as a weapon both with melee and also magically. Passively it boosts his defenses. [b]Aire Tam Storm-[/b] The sword itself is a masterpiece of technology and the arcane. The sword itself can augment its size and shape to fit the needs of the user. It can transform with various sections hidden within itself and even fold in the edges of its blade to make it blunt for control and grip during battle. Inside the structure it houses its materia, and in enki's case they are all save one, hybrid materia giving access to new abilities and spells. The blade itself can take on the properties(elements) of the materia equipped meaning it can switch elemental damage on the fly. The blade is also capable of being able to cast direct versions of the spells through melee combat so not only does the target have to deal with the strike but the added effect of the spell on top of it doubling its potency. The Sword's most advanced feature is it's connection with the gilgamesh arm and to Enki himself. One the arcane enchantments placed on the entire system was to bind it to Enki's very “Soul” and being able to give it movement through Enki's will just like his “Armors”. The sword once completed was heralded as the next big advancement to normal SOLDIER equipment but all future weapons created failed during the binding process making Enki's the only one to work fully as intended. [COLOR=purple]![/COLOR][COLOR=gray]![/COLOR][COLOR=blue]![/COLOR][COLOR=purple]S[/COLOR][COLOR=gray]O[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]U[/COLOR][COLOR=purple]L[/COLOR][COLOR=gray]B[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]R[/COLOR][COLOR=purple]E[/COLOR][COLOR=gray]A[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]K[/COLOR][COLOR=purple]![/COLOR][COLOR=gray]![/COLOR][COLOR=blue]![/COLOR] Activation: Unknown Enki's soul break unleashes the hidden primal powers he posses. It is unknown exactly how this is activated or its limits but since he has achieved his Soul Break status it has made him able to use his normal Limit Breaks more regularly. More research will have to be done.(turned off for tournament) [b][color=red]![/color][color=blue]![/color][color=limegreen]![/color][color=orange]L[/color][color=yellow]I[/color][color=red]M[/color][color=blue]I[/color][color=limegreen]T[/color] [color=orange]B[/color][color=yellow]R[/color][color=red]E[/color][color=blue]A[/color][color=limegreen]K[/color][color=orange]S[/color][color=yellow]![/color][color=red]![/color][color=blue]![/color][/b] Armors [u]Level 1 Activation=Enemy Evasion[/u] Crackdown- Enki projects each summon armor suddenly around the target with each one attacking before dissipating. [u]Level 2 Activation=Armor Attacking[/u] Ultima End- All summon armors attack with their ultimate attack at the same time with Enki using Ragnarok to cast various versions of the Ultima spell as the finishing cleaving blow. Aire Tam Storm [u]Level 1 Activation=Attacking[/u] Omni-Strike- With just one strike, the Aire Tam Storm uses the built up energy to cast each an every spell linked to it's equipped materia simultaneously. [u]Level 2 Activation=Damage[/u] Aire Tam Storm- The sword floats overhead and opens the core of the weapon showing eight "lenses" corresponding to each of the materia equipped inside of it. It begins to unleash non-elemental arcane beams in different directions down below and starts to spin itself making the beams damage the entire area below randomly. The beams eventually combine into one solid powerful beam that settles onto a specific area. Still spinning the sword creates an ambient arcane storm with damaging winds that draw enemies towards the main beam and purple lightning striking everywhere in the area not being hit by the core beam attack. [/hider] If anyone wants to have a strange almost week or 2 break depending on when I get my net set back up. Ill be around on my phone but typing up posts on the phone is a no.