[center][h1][color=007236]Elliot Forrester[/color][/h1][/center] Karen went on to mention God giving them the gift of a nice day. It was strange for Elliot to hear someone mentioning God in the wizarding world. Even when Elliot lived in the muggle world before he received his letter of acceptance he never really followed the religion. His mother who was the muggle of the family, didn’t really bother with the whole religion thing and never raised Elliot as a christian. He just simply smiled at her answer, it didn’t bother him if people had their beliefs. Another person walked into the carriage just before Karen was about to take her seat, Elliot recognised and knew who she was straight away, she was called Emira. Elliot got vivid flashbacks of her smashing bludgers aimed for his head. A shudder went down the back of his spine at the memory. Even after all of the bad memories, he was still somehow drawn to her, he didn’t know why. [color=007236]“Yeah it’s Elliot.”[/color] He said with a smile. [color=007236]“And yeah I have no problems with you sitting here.”[/color] Elliot moved up a little bit because he was sat in the middle of the seat so Karen could sit down next to him. He listened to them both introduce each other and they went on to talk about pranks. Elliot never bothered doing pranks, mainly for the fact he could never plan them properly and he was always slightly bothered of going a bit too overboard with the prank and seriously hurting someone.