How long has it been? The lion thought to himself as he kept on walking. When one travels for so long, they tend to forget miniscule details, such as the flow of time itself. What seemed like years ago can almost feel like an eternity for one, and once there was a time when Ymahr truly cared about it, but nowadays, it would be easier to not pay attention to it. The feline stops on his tracks when he sees that he has made his way to a small village, he looked around and was amused to see that it was certainly peaceful enough, a little dull, but it was quiet enough to evoke a sense of easiness. Deciding that a rest right now would be as good as any, he entered a nearby inn to order a drink. While some ale or wine would certainly be nice, it wouldn't do him good to travel while intoxicated, so water should be able to quench his thirst right now. The canine behind the counter nodded and served it to him, bowing to the lion and saying that no payments were necessary. Ymahr thanked the young-man and took a sip from the cup, before asking the canid if there were any interesting activity nearby. The dog began to mull over himself, before saying there was a nearby ruined temple up north, filled with various treasures and relics of the past. Ymahr's ears perked up, he certainly wouldn't mind taking a detour to visit the ruins. The canine however, warned him that the ruins were filled to the brim with various monsters and undead and asked the lion if he would like someone to accompany him, to which he simply nodded left and right. [b][i][color=fff200]"I work alone."[/color][/i][/b] He said in a deep voice, the canine would voice his protest but decided against it. With his business done and a temple to explore, the leonine man thanked the canid for the information and the drink, he got up from his seat and exited out of the inn. His paws gripping his spear tightly, Ymahr began to head north, it wasn't the treasure he was after, it was the journey that mattered to him. The road was quiet but still serene, the big feline closed his eyes for a moment to feel the warmth of it all, it filled him with a sense of peace that gave him the energy to keep moving forward. After treading for what seemed like an hour, the lion could finally see the temple in the distance, but what was that other thing? Ymahr ran towards the temple in hopes of getting some kind of context, but what greeted him was an all-out battle between a Wurm, a Lah'na, a Rakonai, a Shael, and a Nin'tah. Just what in the heavens was going on here? Readying his spear and casting a barrier of light beforehand, the lion joined in the fray, if only to get some kind clue as to what was transpiring. The thing was huge, and that was both good and bad. That only meant hitting it would be somewhat easy, but it also meant that it could probably kill everyone within range if they were unable to stop it or they got careless. The Wurm was covered in a thick carapace, so stabbing it might prove to be less than effective...Still, with his magic not exactly fit for offense, Ymahr had to rely on his spear to damage this monster. With no other choice, the feline quickly distanced himself from the beast, using quick stabs and thrusts to deal damage to it while also allowing him to move about and dodge should it happen to be aggressive.