[quote][12:24:27 AM] Crimmy: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/12/world/asia/china-dancing-square-grannies-shot.html?action=click&contentCollection=Asia%20Pacific&module=RelatedCoverage®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article [12:24:33 AM] Crimmy: what if i one day [12:24:40 AM] Crimmy: made an rpg in which we played aging chinese folk [12:24:45 AM] Crimmy: seeking to dance in the streets [12:24:57 AM] Crimmy: while under attack by the youth who want us to shut up with the loudass disco partying [12:25:00 AM] Plank Sinatra: could we actually call it [12:25:04 AM] Crimmy: and the government who dislikes our disorder [12:25:06 AM] Plank Sinatra: "Dancing in the Street!" [12:25:13 AM] Crimmy: haha [12:25:17 AM] Plank Sinatra: like the bowie/jagger song [12:25:31 AM] Crimmy: shit man this sounds like a great rpg concept[/quote] This, essentially.