"Probably not Blood Army. Don't usually move on their own." Quinn recalled how if any Blood Army split from the main group, they at least went with one other. A spotter, so to speak. Another person to watch their backs. "Lead him to the library. Things go bad...we can shoot him...and then, run." Quinn began to follow Jake down, he would follow him at least to the library. His plan was to resume his traveling as soon as possible, though he was dismayed that he would lose his chance to take out the Blood Army soldiers. Still, it was too dangerous. Even if he managed to take them down, one or two of them would get enough of a shot in that he probably wouldn't make it. He had promised himself he would never live with them again, and that sure as hell meant he would never die among them. Once on the ground, Quinn began to follow Jake, leaving obvious hints at where they were going to the mysterious man with the rifle. Though he moved very carefully, always putting himself in a position to either evade ambush or to set one up.