[center][h2][color=Gold]Academy[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Headmistress[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fQ4MSnn.gif[/IMG][/center] After Adam protected her, the Headmistress looked to the student that attempted to attack her, when Adam told her to refrain from trying to attack her, Lurlene asked him questions on why, before Adam could have the chance to actually answer the Headmistress, she spoke for herself." Easy, because something like this could happen." The Headmistress snapped her fingers and suddenly the robots stopped, they began putting themselves back together and fixing each other before the other first years could continue to attack them, the robots walked away from the first years. The Headmistress stared at Lurlene before putting one of their hands onto their sword. In a quick flash the Headmistress was behind of Lurlene, she had collected all of the girl's knives, and placed a light cut onto Lena's face, light and fast enough for Lena to not feel it, but deep enough to draw blood." Hopefully attending this school will give you better intelligence, I respect your bravery to try and attack me, but now you've just made your stay here harder for yourself." She told the first year before she sheathed her sword. The Headmistress dropped Lena's knives that were on her thighs and calves onto the ground, only leaving the one that Lena were holding, suddenly the robots began going down under the courtyard."Every one, go to the teachers to write down your names for who you want to room with this year, after that take a map and find where the cafeteria is. One of the things that a good assassin must have is a sense of direction, and must get it from experience." [hr] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Vocab] [h2][center][color=00aeef]Sayaka Himura[/color][/center][/h2] Sayaka took a deep breath she knew her flamethrowers wouldn't be too effective but she put her hands together and aimed her flamethrowers at the robots, but then one of the students got in the way, the girl with the thin sword, the rapier or what ever it was called, she aimed at a robot that managed to wander away from the whole group. Sayaka jumped in front of it and blasted it with fire from both her flamethrowers, as she began using up her fuel to attempt to melt the robot. But the machine just simply walked up to Sayaka, electricity began dancing around the sword in it's hands instead of swinging the sword, it just poked Sayaka in the belly and shocked her, the electricity directed to her stomach made her puke onto the ground, the mummy hunched over onto the ground stopping her flamethrowers and holding her stomach in pain. The robot didn't let up it poked her again in the back shocking Sayaka once again, the again, and again, the shocking continued for a while but stopped when the Headmistress ordered them to stop. "[color=00aeef] Oh thank you ![/color]" Sayaka thanked the Headmistress as the robots began going back under the school, she slowly got to her feet but still stood hunched over panting.