The several hours or so had been a blur to Taka- it had all gone by so fast. They had all been up on Mount Wildwood, enjoying eachother's company before all of them finished their final semester of college and went about the rest of their lives. Takahiro was sure many of the others intended to stay in Springbrook- after all, it was their home, and people usually didn't leave once they came to the quaint little town. While he was sure most of the others were staying in town- he wasn't too sure if he was going to. Taka had been offered a position on one of the J2 League teams, The Tesshū F.C., to start immediately after graduation. Taka had yet to tell any of the others yet, and thus far only Tamago knew- through an embarrassingly comical series of accidents that ended up in him finding the letter. Taka had of course made Tamago promise not to tell anyone, and was still heavily thinking it over during break. Then as the sun went down, they came across the box- that did not contain severed hands as Taka had jokingly suggested, but instead a set of watches, ones that looked similar to the plastic toys one would get kids meals from Nom Burger. The lot of them had a laugh, and put them on, and felt like kids again. The only thing that made Taka not disregard the watches completely was their sudden ability to see things through the lens of the watches, little creatures as it were. The mood changed completely however with the appearance of the massive Oni-creature-monster-thing. The gang took off sprinting away down the mountain, Taka with his superior stamina and speed outpacing the others by a good margin- enough so that he had time to get to his- or rather, his sister's car, and scoot it towards the base of the mountain to pick the others up before they bolted all the way to Times & Mores, stop signs and streetlights be damned. At the shop, they met up with the old man Mortimer, and questioned him about the watches. As the old man explained about the watches and demons, Taka listened as he stood by the window. The normally relaxed and lazy senior was still buzzing from the recent rush of adrenaline, and repeatedly shot glances out the window to be sure that the monster hadn't followed them through town, as unlikely as it was. He met the spirit named Whisper, who offered the group of them a set of matching coins with which they could use in conjunction with their watches to summon him as needed. It was at this point, they offered the discussion up to questions. Kazumi, asked about the reason the watches were kept by the riverbank, as opposed to in a safebox. A question which Taka seconded, it was weird that such potentially valuable items were stored in a plain wooden box by the river where any curious passerbys, such as themselves, could come across them. Taka, considerably calmer at this point, also chimed in with a question of his own. "And why do these watches look so... childish...?" Taka asked, his face scrunching as he searched for polite words. "I mean, its gotta be said, these things look like they're straight out of the kid's meals at Nom Burger.