[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [color=f7941d] ~ Are you just blind, or dumb as the shite you excrete? I passed my mission, or at least completed the goal set out for me with a moderate chance of escaping capture. I've already slain a handful of guards in just two fights, I manged to injure Vlad, on my own initiative, even with unexpected interference from Luci. Who honestly should've gotten a bone or something for saving the man's life, assuming Vlad actually cared about rewarding loyalty or whatever that sicko desired. The restrictions were a nuisance, but Isa had expected those, volunteers weren't cheap, and that was the most easily acquired commodity at this facility. But constant testing with no real feed back was really starting to bother Isa, everything so far had just caused him pain and frustration. He was really starting to rethink his grand scheme. It seemed this wasn't an academy for soldiers, it was just a lab, and only the dead rats ever got to leave. ~ [/color] [color=8882be][i]Isa considered reacting to Sean's ill phrased commentary, but decided to save his energy for the upcoming duel. Instead, he lay down on the floor resting his head on his paws, watching the circus before him and wondering how long it would take to finish his own bout. he wondered if anyone would notice if he just left... true he couldn't go far, and at least one of the guards would stay with him watching him warily, but if he decided to go finish Vlad off and just be done with everything... Could he do it? Isa thought it was probable, but there was still a good chance he'd be denied access for some reason or another, and then he'd just be back to square one. Isa flicked his ears towards Alana, wondering what she was thinking, if she had a plan or strategy for the coming fight... Well, time would tell.[/i][/color] [@L4dyH4wke][@KatherinWinter]