hi! :3 [hider=Gwenhwyfar] [center] [hider=Eve][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ov5iP80.png[/img][/hider] [/center] [right][img]http://i.imgur.com/so3m350.png[/img] [color=cab2d8][b]name.[/b][/color] Gwenhwyfar [color=cab2d8][b]nickname.[/b][/color] Eve [color=cab2d8][b]race.[/b][/color] Beast [color=cab2d8][b]age.[/b][/color] ? ? ? [color=cab2d8][b]sexuality.[/b][/color] Pansexual [img]http://i.imgur.com/so3m350.png[/img] [color=cab2d8][b]personality.[/b][/color] Affectionate. Playful. Cunning. Whimsical. Fickle. Eve is like a drug: hard to resist, easy to get addicted to. Definitely bad for you. [color=cab2d8][b]history.[/b][/color] Centuries she has walked the earth, looking for what humans call 'true love.' What she has seen instead is love that is dangerous, wicked, and deceitful. [img]http://i.imgur.com/so3m350.png[/img] [color=cab2d8][b]speciality.[/b][/color] Lust [color=cab2d8][b]other.[/b][/color] [color=cab2d8]☙[/color] Has a wonderful singing voice that has been known to lure humans. [color=cab2d8]☙[/color] Treasures her voice above all, and so speaks only when absolutely required. [color=cab2d8]☙[/color] Instead, she communicates by projecting her thoughts to others through physical contact. [color=cab2d8]☙[/color] And speaking of, physical contact is something she [i]craves[/i]. [/right] [/hider]