[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UWnjzNe.gif[/img][/center] [color=ec008c]"Hehe, look Grond! Your squelin' attracted a buncha' folk!"[/color] With a graceful back flip, the cat managed to avoid the acidic splash spat from the wurm's wide maw. Truly, it was no mystery how this scene had attracted others, given its tremendously large amount of ruckus. Wurms weren't a common dish in cities due to their incredible power, people didn't want to risk their lives killing them, however their young was another matter. Just as mindlessly brutish as their elders, a wurm's young would start their devastating paths at birth. Ravio just happened to need some extra coin and wurm sold for quite a lot, had you managed to bring one down and dragged it to a city. As it was however, the Sword Dancer failed miserably and ended up with the mother of his prey now changing his tune quite drastically. "Fuck off, Ravio!" Seeing how a larger Lah'nah had approached the battle, Grond didn't waste any time before joining him in the battle and swung his axe towards the wurm's thick scales with little effect. Meanwhile, the skies were being taken by a Shael possessing the power of lightning. Of course, yet another combatant joined the fray with the powers of Necromancy backing him up. This would be a perfect chance to flee, the perfect opportunity to slip away. Could he do it? Could Ravio leave this marvelous battle and simply slink away from danger like a coward? As much as Ravio valued his life, the sheer might of this battle dragged him in no matter the mental attempts to flee. [color=ec008c][i]"Alright, think kitty cat..."[/i][/color] Picking up his speed, Ravio thought it a good idea to leave the front to those with more bulk than him. Energy blasts from a Necromancer also helped in that regard. Though, striking this thing head on wasn't exactly a very effective strategy for him. [color=ec008c][i]"Hm, that birdie seems to have the right idea..."[/i][/color] Sliding beneath the massive wurm's form as it furiously whipped its heavy body from side to side in an attempt to the get the pestering creatures to subside, the cat was quickly back on his paws. Jumping unto the trunk of a tree, Ravio sunk his blade into its wooden foundation and launched himself further up. Sliding the blade out, he grabbed hold of a branch and swung his body atop the tree's extensions before reaching the bright, green top. [i][color=ec008c]"Okay! Gotta' make birdie's attacks count! The other lot are all tirein' this lil' guy down so...that gives me a chance."[/color][/i] Using the distractions everyone else provided, the cat managed to jump onto the thick, scaly snake and sunk his thin blade into its flesh between two impenetrable scales. From here, he had only to climb. Though, it was safe to assume its difficulty as the wurm was constantly moving about, spitting acidic saliva and crushing its frame against the woodland surrounding it. Nearly loosing his grip, Ravio managed to grab hold of another scale moments after he was shaken off. [color=ec008c]"Ain't gettin' rid of this mosquito that easily!"[/color] Sheathing his blade allowed for both hands to grip onto the scales and escalated the cat's probability of climbing this beast. It was quite obvious how its massive shape towering above forest and trees started to give in beneath the relentless assault granted from every direction. Despite its desperate attempts to fight back, its enemies were small which was quite a disadvantage due to the fact that it was hard to hit them. Indeed, being hit by this thing meant the end. One strike and you were out, though everyone was doing incredibly well. With the wurm's movements slowing due to the assault, Ravio's ascension up its scaly form grew much easier until he finally reached its back. [color=ec008c]"Alright, weak spots, weak spots...where's a wea-..over there!"[/color] Seeing the wound caused by a spear enhanced with lightning, Ravio released his blade once more and allowed his powers of Enchantment work. A soft blue hue glimmered across the cat's blade as he sunk it into the wurm's flesh a second time, easily sliding his enhanced blade along the exposed skin and left a long slash across the beast's back. At this point everyone else had done enough damage to it to send the wurm into a slightly dazed state. The monster's attacks grew sluggish and its attempts grew nearly pathetic. Continuing his climb, Ravio couldn't allow this chance to escape. He had to move towards the monster's cranium. Grabbing hold of one scale after the other, his perilous journey sent the curious cat further and further towards the enemy's weakest possible spot. Upon reaching the peak and feeling the winds of victory bushing through his fur, Ravio raised his blade with a wide grin and was just about to stab the tip through an exposed section between the scales but tumbled forward due to the wurm's head connecting with the ground. [i][color=ec008c]"Th-they killed it!? NO!? C'mon, that was my kil!"[/color][/i] Trying to grab hold of a scale on his way to the ground, Ravio was incredibly unsuccessful in the feat and met the grassy ground with his back. Everyone's combined efforts had slain the beast and this thing would feed the neighboring villages, towns and large city for weeks to come. "Ravio!" The familiar voice of an ursine filled the air and it was easy enough to guess who it was. Struggling back to his paws, the cat laid eyes on Grond as he walked around the fallen beast. "I made a promise, didn't I!?" [color=ec008c]"Bud..."[/color] Ravio began, dusting himself off. [color=ec008c]"S'much as I'd love to fight ya'...I'm tired, cranky n' hungry, right? Also, you're surrounded by do-gooders. Ain't no chance in hell we can do battle with them around, yeah?"[/color] Clenching his teeth at the realisation, Grond had to concede to the fact that Ravio was right. They were both half dead and surrounded by others who would undoubtedly interrupt their fight. To top it off, Grond was more wounded than he let on. They had managed to win one battle together but it was not a good idea to start another. "Be on your guard, cat. We're not done yet." Returning his axe to his belt, the ursine left the battlefield and disappeared into the forest. Ravio on the other hand was far too exhausted to move. Falling down to his behind, the feline leaned against the wurm's dead frame and breathed out, his bloodied blade lightly grasped by his fingers. [color=ec008c]"Hehe, this fuckin' day's been nuts..."[/color] Closing his eyes for a brief moment he'd have wanted a warm bed, though with fatigue washing over his frame the attempt to move was impossible. He needed to rest where he was for a while.