[CENTER][I]A Volvy 95th Otaku production,[/I] [I]Introducing an idea of infinite possibilities,[/I] [I]Inspired by Nihei’s[/i] Biomega, [I]As well as Sunao Yoshida's novel series Trinity Blood,[/I] [I]With elements similar to Kouta Hirano's manga-turned-OVA Hellsing,[/I] [I]In homage to Daisuke Sato's hit manga series Highschool of the Dead,[/I] [I]A nod to White Wolf's roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade,[/I] [I]Otaku95 and Volenvradica presents,[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2q8uazo.jpg[/IMG] [h2][B][U]RPG[/U] [COLOR=red]OF THE [U]DEAD[/U][/COLOR][/B][/h2][/CENTER] [center]----+-----[/center] [CENTER][B]{{CURRENT_EVENTS: }}[/B] Shortly after hoards of the walking dead swarmed the Republic of Pandora's Gates (RPG), the immediate turmoil of several cities quickly mutated the situation from what was thought to be an isolated infection to a large scale national crisis. Head of State Mahz has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the presidency vacant and the grand capital in near shambles. With no known successor in line, eligible candidates have begun to viciously fight for the position. Some cities are in a state of chaos, with many innocent citizens dying in escalated gang-war violence or by the hands of the reanimated deceased. The catastrophe only continues to worsen as the corpses, the victims from these human conflicts, come back to life as flesh-hungry cannibals—and the overwhelming death toll only continues to increase. The once unified nation cries for [I]Apocalypse now[/I]. Is this country as good as [B][COLOR=red]DEAD[/COLOR]?[/B][/CENTER] [center]----++----[/center] [b]{{ MAJOR PLAYERS }}[/b] [i]Special Task Force Vanguard-[/i] A counter terrorism squad put together by the Executive Office of Crisis Assessment, the last stable branch of RPG's government. Led by a newly appointed commander, their mission is to find the source of the cannibal nightmare and stop it before the country goes to hell. [i]OBS-CURE Relations Consultants[/i]- an attachment of deadly assassins from the private military company OBS-CURE. They work for corrupt politicians as personal guards and efficient hitmen. [i]Liberi Noctis-[/i] A shadowy organization that is slowly rising... [center]-----+++-----[/center] [B]{{SETTING}}[/B] The world of RPG is magic and tech savvy, which has has given rise to marvelous architecture, state of the art nature-proof buildings, extraordinary forms of entertainment, cost-efficient forms of transportation and communication, but most importantly of all: advancement in warfare. [center][b]{{Rules_FOLLOW_THEM}}[/B] ABSOLUTELY NO UNAUTHORIZED: [LIST] [*]Godmoding [*]Powergaming[ [*]Metagaming [*]Killing a PC without permission [/LIST] We're not too concerned about length, but more so on detail and content. Just put some effort into these posts. Help contribute to the story and everything will be fine and dandy so long as nobody goes off on incomprehensible tangents. The GM/DM has total control. In order to participate in this RP, all applicants must submit original characters If writer's block is that bad, or if you're stuck, contact us for help. We'd love to discuss how your character can become a super hip and cool badass in the roleplay. If you must quit the RP for any reason, you then forfeit your character to us. Side effects may include death, mutilation, and lesbian smut—certainly not in that order, though. Blatant and frequent violation of the rules will result in me throwing a tantrum **[U]Due to the presence of intense sci-fi and fantasy action sequences, sexual themes and language, this roleplay should be considered for mature players and audiences. [/U][/center] [center]==++++==[/center] [B]{{TEMPLATE}}[/B] [I]"This is hardly a matter of survival. Be just or be [COLOR=red]DEAD[/COLOR]."[/I] [B]Username:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] (no characters under 18) [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Codename/Titles:[/B] [B]Class/Occupation:[/B] [B]Affiliation:[/B] (Vanguard, OBS-CURE, Liberi Noctis is currently not open.) [B]Appearance:[/B] (You may use images, but please provide some description to it.) [B]Weapon(s):[/B] (You are allowed a Primary and Secondary weapon, depending on your class/occupation. If you dare to push this too far, you will be punished for your asininity.) [B]Distortion:[/B] (Special abilities of your character, if applicable. You are allowed a max of two)