[@Henri] hope its okay i am applying for a beast position Appearance [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/f90a/th/pre/f/2010/362/9/c/spider_woman_by_kotorikurama-d35u4wv.jpg[/img] She has sleek black hair which is tied back behind her head and has four arms. She's fairly underwhelming, standing at an average 5'4". She is rather intimidating despite her size, and appears rather mysterious. Name: Arania Nickname: Widow/Ari (Arania insists upon being called Ari, however most monsters call her Widow behind her back) Race: Beast Age: Appears in her twenties Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: She crafts elaborate revenges for those who decide to cross her. She keeps most of her emotions cloaked in an 'exoskeleton', thus keeping others from really understanding what is going on. History: ??? Everyone seems afraid of her, and no one seems to like her too much. Speciality: Wrath Other: Beneath her harsh exterior is actually a very lonely beast who just wants to get along with others. She is often misunderstood because of her habits. She is often found knitting or weaving something, whether it be her own web or a sweater. It is important to note she does have a mild form of venom, which she can use to paralyze others for short periods of time. It works better on humans than beasts. When she gets angry or scared she will grow an extra set of eyes.