The battle raged on, their combined efforts managing to weaken the Wurm, something that made Ymahr relieved. The lion continued his assault on the beast, making sure to sidestep or stride out of harm's way from time-to-time to make sure he had a defensive advantage and be able to strike from a distance, though this proved to be easier said than done with the Wurm moving all about from the heavy fire it was suffering from. The avian's thunder magic did leave quite a mark on the monster, the vulpine and his Necromancy were no joke either but the lion wasn't so sure if their attacks were dealing as much damage. The beast's acidic bile made hard to move around, and the feline's barrier soon faded when it was hit with the substance, forcing him to use his dexterity to compensate his defense. He cursed under his breath, deciding for a moment if he should put up another one just for safety's sake, but it would take far too long and the Wurm had to be stopped soon. Lest it destroy more than just their bodies... Deciding against it, the feline opted to use his agility to dodge incoming attacks rather than risk the casting time of setting up a new shield. It wasn't before long when the monster's movements began to slow down, the combination of their attacks were doing great, and as he looked up at the head of the Wurm, it would seem that the Lah'na from before has been doing work of his own, using an enchanted blade to damage the monster. Not to be left out, the lion swung his polearm twice at the slithering beast, drawing blood from the Wurm using the forked sides of his spear before lunging upward to viciously stab the monster. The lion grinned as the beast tumbled and eventually fell, he wiped the sweat from his brow and heaved lightly, it took a considerable amount of effort from all groups involved to fell the monster and there certainly was a feeling of accomplishment defeating it. However, it would seem that the conflict was not yet over. The Rakonai angrily confronted the feline sprawled on the grass, but the cat had simply stated the obvious. Were he to attack now, he would be outnumbered, and promptly, the ursine stormed off, his shadow fading amongst the trees of the forest. With a sigh, the lion glanced a look at everyone, getting a good look at his allies before approaching the tuckered-out cat. He crouched down to level with him and asked, [b][i][color=fff200]"You hurt?"[/color][/i][/b] Ymahr didn't even wait for an answer before placing one of his hands in front of the feline. Gold strings of light appeared from his hands, surrounding the young man in a warm aura of rejuvenation and tending to his wounds-what little they may have been. It certainly wasn't much but something small can make a difference. He stood up and glared at the cat again, [b][i][color=fff200]"Don't get me wrong, I could've left you for you dead, but I think you might have your uses."[/color][/i][/b]