[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UWnjzNe.gif[/img][/center] "For fuck sake..." Ground sighed, wiping his mouth from the blood which had left it. "I've had a [i]really[/i] bad day, alright? Want to know why? Walk in that direction." Without uttering any following words, the incredibly tired and fed up ursine continued on his path away from the circus he had been brought into. None of this was on the man's schedule but he should perhaps be used to it by this point. Messing with Ravio usually tended to get people into a lot more trouble than they bargained for and none of it came from the feline himself. One could perhaps say that misfortune followed him and didn't choose its targets very decisively. Speaking of which, with things having calmed down a bit, Ravio was accompanied by another Lah'nah, a lion. Large, muscular, bulky and with a darker than light attitude, he fit the large feline bill quite perfectly. [color=ec008c]"Heh, not to burst your bubble but, I ain't exactly dyin'."[/color] With a soft grin crossing the cat's lips, he wasn't about to toss aside the help he was granted, though the lion's choice of words revealed a less than pleasant attitude. [color=ec008c]"Thanks for the help n' all, though."[/color] Ravio continued, swiping the air with his sword to get the blood off before he returned it to his scabbard. Despite the lion's help, the cat still felt a lingering pain echoing through his bones. [color=ec008c]"Didn't mean to drag ya' in, really."[/color] Ravio finished, a row of sharp teeth easily visible through his grin. It wasn't much to show off considering a lion was standing in front of him but Ravio was never someone who tried looking intimidating. [color=ec008c]"Heh, so yeah. Wouldn't mind runnin' into ya' again n' all but I think I'm gonna' head off t-..."[/color] Taking a single step sent the feline crashing down to the grass. Despite the healer's help, Ravio had been thrown into a tree, been damaged by several branches and fallen off a behemoth. Adrenaline was the only reason he had managed to stay on his paws during the fight after the first impact he suffered. [color=ec008c]"Okay..."[/color] Ravio spoke, his heart beating like a jackhammer against his ribs. [color=ec008c]"I'll just sit here n' relax for a moment. Heh, paws ain't workin' all that well right now!"[/color] Raising himself up again, Ravio leaned against the wurm yet again and breathed out, crossing his arms as his eyes lingered upon the lion. [color=ec008c]"See uhm...this shit doesn't happen with me that often n' all..."[/color] The cat tried but could only manage to laugh and shook his head. [color=ec008c]"If only...nah, this crap follows me around like my tail! Heh, it's fun most of the time but when ya' almost lose your paws..."[/color] The feline would wiggle his toes slightly. [color=ec008c]"Ya' need to relax, take a hot bath n' grab somethin' to eat."[/color] Lightly tapping the scaled beast behind him, Ravio managed another soft chuckle, his eyes on the lion. Suddenly it felt like everyone he ran into was huge. [color=ec008c]"I don't usually give a crap 'bout coin, but a cat's gotta' eat, right? Anyways, if ya' tell the city over yonder about this, I'm sure the ones in charge will pay ya' for the food."[/color] Now that the beast had fallen, the group would probably scatter but Ravio wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere. He could sit where he was for a while and as it looked, that was exactly what he was going to do.