Erion had at least time to strike at the wurm enough with his soul energy before it fall down onto the ground, killed by one of the group, although he was unsure if it was him or if it was one of those other guys. Well, no use to actually ask. He moved to the wurm and looked at the scales. He breath deeply as he looks at the group. He guessed a lot of people heard the wurm from a distance, which would explain why they suddenly all arrived here. He then got hit blade out and started to work on dislodging scales from the thing, skinning it. "Now gonna let these fall into waste. Someone might be able to make some armor out of this." he says in a calm tone. He continued to work, before one spirit spoke to him. "[i]I... can't believe it... it's... really dead? Like that? Th.... That thing... that thing killed me before.... I... can't believe it.[/i]" the spirit said. Erion just continued his work. "Won't be killing more innocents..." he then says as he skin the thing. He finish getting a couple of scales as he put them in his bag. He looked at the smaller Lah'na, and smile softly at what he said. "With how things been going lately, I understand what you mean." he says as he then went and sat down on a rock... and heard multiple spirits talking to him, a good amount of them victims of the wurm itself. He just stood there, concentrating, not wanting to hear them right now. Always was like that when a monster like that would die. "I don't know how many innocent that thing killed before, but at least it's rampage is over." he says. IF some of them were experienced, they probably would know that he was a necromancer... and if that was the case, then he hoped none of them would hate him for this, cause it is always a pain to have others judge him cause of his magic choice. He also noticed the lion heal the other person. A miracle user... It made him remember his past a bit more. A past that he would wish to have forgotten a long time ago.