Despite his less-than welcome reception from the other cat, the lion remained in his position to observe the smaller feline. Looking at the young man filled him with a certain feeling of nostalgia, which he brushed off as ridiculous...How could looking at someone evoke such memories? Ymahr brushed it off, a stern expression adorning his face and his paws crossed. Just when he thinks they would part ways and never cross roads again, the cat took a single step that just sent him back to the grassy ground all over again, to which the lion only sighed at. Being young and free always did have its own set of advantages and disadvantages, one being the irresistible need for adventure and the danger that comes along with it. He looked down at the fallen feline, his eyes trailing towards his direction until he leans upon the felled beast once again. The cat speaks as if the thing has happened to him more than once and the lion could only fathom what kind of life he's lived to get where he is now, it certainly must be filled with adventure, yet filled to the brim with danger and recklessness. Youths always were known for irrationality, but their resolve and curiosity is what makes them interesting. [b][i][color=fff200]"You're a carefree spirit, aren't you?"[/color][/i][/b] Ymahr says as he sits down in front of the other feline, his eyes glaring directly at his. [b][i][color=fff200]"You laugh and smile now, but sooner or later, smiles will eventually fade."[/color][/i][/b] It always amazed and confused the lion when it came to the concept of optimism and pessimism. Clinging to false hope even when there is none will eventually break a person, clinging to despair even when hope is not lost will eventually break a person. One can only hide so much from others and the world and he has to wonder if the smaller feline in front of him was similar, does he simply laugh many of his dangers and perils? When the cat made a remark about gold, the lion simply scoffed, saying that he can keep the gold, for he has no interest in it. All this talk and they don't even know each other's names, and that's not even counting the vulpine near them, he gestured for the fox to sit nearby them and promptly, he introduced himself. [b][i][color=fff200]"I do believe I have not introduced myself properly. Ymahr Shir."[/color][/i][/b] He nodded and glanced back at the two. [b][i][color=fff200]"You two certainly seem capable enough, if I may, would any of you be willing together?"[/color][/i][/b] The lion says, pausing quite a bit on that last sentence. While pairing up with others certainly wasn't his penchant, it would be safer just in case another creature on the same caliber of that Wurm would show up, he may even learn a thing or two from one of them. Still, he was uneasy at the concept and a part of him was starting to decide against it.