Kern also was there, sort of. He was in druidic dream, something like normal sleep, but in the course of it, the mind can move around the world in the process when the body sleeps. Thanks to the Druidic dream  he knows what's going on in the world. He saw everything from the initial arguments until the end of the fight. In the middle of the fight there have been some disruption, he have to focus to recover the eyes of the mind. Then he saw one of the Erion spirits. He was Terrified, for a long time he did not see any necromancer and especially one reigning over spirits. It's one of the souls that are causing disruption. He woke up in his woods, the situation he saw forced him into reflection, for a long time he didn't seen that talented young men. Especially that young necromancer. He started to pack, [i][color=00a651]"it's time go get out of shadow" [/color] [/i], after checking the map drawn by himself a couple of years ago, had hoped that map is still current, he decided to walk to Avist. He took up his staff and wore the bag on the shoulder. He had to go away for a while and had to turn around to remind himself when he first found this place and decided to stay here. It was 20 years ago, he was still quite young ursine fascinated by nature, he was there because of her friend - Allet. She was, however, murdered by a gang of thugs a few weeks later. Precisely for this reason, Kern decided to get away from the society and be a lone resident of the forest [i][color=00a651]"Bye Home" [/color] [/i]