[@Dmessenger][@Fubsy] Cooper woke up to the sound of hacking. It was pained, hoarse, and voiceless. She felt her heart choking her to death as she got up to see what was going on in the living room, which was also her parents's room. She was shocked to find her father, Joseph Newman, coughing up blood as he lay on the mattress on the floor. He was pallid and sweaty, shaking uncontrollably. Panicked, Cooper darted into the washroom and soaked a hand towel in cold water, and returned to her father. She knelt down beside him and put the cold, wet towel to his forehead in a desperate attempt to give him some relief. He raised his hand to hers, holding the towel down to his head. Trembling with worry, she stood up and immediately left the apartment, not remembering to change out of her sleepwear or even put on shoes. She practically slammed into the locked door to Maxwell's shop, having tried to push it open without stopping, resulting in an audible [i]thud[/i]. She backed up a step and started banging on the door. She wasn't 100% sure that Marcella had stayed with him, but she knew that Maxwell would at least know where she'd went from the shop.