[center][h1][color=a36209] Clay Hale[/color][/h1][/center] Clay's head shot up as the door was slammed open. He didn't even have to look to know that it was Senna. [color=a36209]"Ah,"[/color] he said as she started in on her lecture. Clearly getting her to cover him was not going to happen today. [color=a36209]"Well, I was wondering when you were going to show up and-" [/color]He was cut off by another man he'd not seen before. Or if he had, he'd forgotten. Which was probably best, as he probably owed him money as well. The offer of a free drink was tempting, but it also seemed like it came with the condition of a lot of work right now. And he was far more lazy than thirsty. [color=a36209]"And you are....?"[/color] He said, raising an eyebrow, pausing for a brief moment before responding with.[color=a36209] "Oh wait, it doesn't matter. Besides, my friend, a lazy hunter isn't a dead hunter. A bad hunter is a dead hunter." [/color]That was probably the only thing that Clay had going for him. He was twice as lazy as the next guy, but he knew what he was doing when he did hunt and he was rather good at it. [color=a36209]"The drink is more than welcomed, but we are staying right here tonight." [/color] He then turned his attention away from the stranger without a second thought. He refocused on the bigger threat in the room.[color=a36209] "Sen, come on, it's already late out. If we head out now, we are just going to waste our night fumbling around in the dark. Why don't you just relax and order us some ale and we can get on this little hunt tomorrow. Bright and early?"[/color] His voice was just a tad too hopeful. [center][h1][color=bc8dbf] Emiliah Hazelbrush [/color][/h1][/center] Emiliah eyed the man who had taken his spot near herself and Fenros. Clearly this man wasn't from around here. Only strangers referred to Bobby and 'Barkeep' or something of the likes. But she was happy for the distraction. Dealing with other peoples feelings weren't exactly her strong point. Although, it didn't look like Fenros was about to break down or anything. It mostly seemed that he was stating it as a fact, which was a little more unnerving. Not even a moment later, the tavern door swung open with a crash that shook the nearby windows. She recognized the girl as Sera, or was it Sasha? Something like that. Girls in the trade were hard to come by, so knowing of another one was a bit of a relief really. She had meant to introduce herself, but the chance had never really occurred before. Shaking her head, she turned back to Fenros, clearly the girl had only one thing on her mind at the moment. [color=bc8dbf] "Well, Fenros, I don't know how well you know the area, but if you need someone with insight of the terrain, just let me know." [/color] After all, offering help to a fellow hunter was only the polite thing to do. She started returned to her food. Not that she'd ever say it out loud. But the food here was better than her ma's. [@agentmanatee][@Rune_Alchemist][@Aerandir]