The forested area in which they traveled was peacefully quiet, aside from the rhythmic clomping that came from the Tothum's slow steady gait. Atlas was about ready to drop, but she kept pushing forward. Who knew what was hiding behind the next tree. She wasn't exactly worried for herself, the bovine was more than capable to handle the most intimidating foe. It was the little Neth she was more worried about. Knowing well that her companion was also tired, Atlas allowed Rykiar to ride along on her shoulders, also hoping his increased height would allow him to find any sign of civilization. Long story short, they were lost, tired and hungry. [color=8882be] "Surely we would have made it by now,"[/color] wearily complained Atlas, referring to the next town over from the one they stayed at more than a week ago. The innkeeper had stated it was just a "hop, skip and jump" away, her words not theirs. She may have just been exaggerating just a bit, her rooms being a bit less than "five stars" as she had also mentioned. Shady innkeepers aside, the pair were getting desperate, having run out of food days before as they didn't bother buying supplies while they were at the previous town. It also didn't help they didn't have a cent to their names. Atlas had hoped there'd be at least one opportunity to make some cash on the way. Maybe pull some weeds from someone's yard, or even stop some robber. Hell, Atlas would even slay a monster, and that was saying something for the lazy cow. Before too long, it was her limit, the Tothlum haltingnly to immediately slump over on the ground. Rykiar of course had a bit of a tumble, brushing himself off in minor annoyance. As calm as he usually is, the Neth was also at his wit's end with the whole starving situation. He sat beside Atlas who continued being strewn out on the unexpectedly comfortable forest floor. They sat quietly, both trying to figure a game plan and how to not die an early age. [color=8882be]"Guess we'll have to live on dirt,"[/color] the Tothum mumbled through her own mouthful from when she fell over. Sitting up, she shook her head, spitting out her bland meal of soil. She huffed, looking around the empty forest for a solution, although if the answer she wanted was [i]tree[/], it seemed they were doomed. Above the sounds of their stomachs eating themselves, there was a sudden sign of commotion. Ears perking to try to deceiver whatever was going on, Atlas guessed it was some sort f battle, or some wild party. It seemed like there were several people, and from her experience that usually meant trouble. Looking over at Rykiar, he obviously heard it as well. Hopping to his feet and staring almost longingly toward the disturbance. Atlas took this as a sign that her relaxing time was over and it was time to go. Without warning, she gently picked up her friend and placed him on her shoulders once more and uncertainly continued on. It was most certainly the sounds of battle that echoed as they approached quietly, well at least the tail end of it. There was no way she'd have the energy to fight at the moment, the same going for the mouse. As much as they should really avoid any sort of conflict, they were still drawn to the others, out of curiosity if anything. But as the saying goes, curiosity did kill the Lah'na, right? They hid from a good distance that allowed them to watch and listen, but still not attract attention. In the center of a clearing was a various group of people, a Shael, two Lah'na, as well as a Vulpine. As normal as it is to see others, Atlas more so focused on the giant ass wurm lying dead. [color=8882be]"Did they kill [i]that[/i]?"[/color] Atlas whispered in shock. She wondered if they should even cross paths with this group if they act like kill such a monster was nothing, at least from what she assumed from where they watched. Looking down, at her friend, he was gazing at the fallen creature, and Atlas could almost hear the gears turning in his head. For a brief second, the Tothum wondered what he could possibly want to do with the monster, but her eyes widened as she figured it out. They suddenly shared the same idea, keeping their eyes on the prize: the wurm. Atlas wouldn't call herself a criminal mastermind, or even a thief, but it may as well be their only means of survival for the pair, so they had nothing much to lose. Well aside from their lives of course. Even on his good day, Rykiar wouldn't be much help moving the wurm. The cow knew she'd be doing the literal heavy lifting, that wasn't much of an issue. Her main concern, however, was the group they'd have to take the monster from. Atlas was sure they intended to make a decent coin on that thing from the way they began to skin it. But their strategy would most likely work. [color=8882be][i]I mean who would expect someone to steal a monster?[/i][/color] Atlas thought, uncharacteristically giddy with excitement and probably on the delusional side in her exhausted state. This was it, they were ready. Climbing on her back once more, Rykiar gave a nod toward Atlas. She then used her transformation magic, growing into what she calls her Beast form. As the title suggests, her body was now double her already large size, matched with deadly horns, hooves becoming sharp talons, and a pair of large wings to help with get away. Her transformation was quick and successful, but was limited. Rykiar clung on tight, all the while he concentrated. With his Illusion abilities, he created a [url=]distraction[/url], the newly formed creature appearing out of nowhere on the farther side of the clearing, letting out a terrible roar loud enough for Atlas to crash through the trees. Moving fast before they both pass out from the overuse of their abilities, the extra-large Tothum, ripped off a good sized chunk of the dead creature, careful of its sharp hide, and picked it up with a bit of difficulty. With a meaty beat of her large wings, they were off in the skies, the illusion monster dissolved. Wurm being dragged along precariously, they looked for the nearest town to cash in their prize.